Times of Israel Peddles in Fake News About Donald Trump Speech at IAC National Summit

I have just finished watching US President Donald Trump speaking at the Israeli American Council National Summit. Watch for yourself if you have the time. It is vintage Trump: plenty of pats on his own back, digs at the Democrats and some hit-and-miss jokes. It also suggests to me a person who genuinely loves Israel and the Jewish people.
But to Eric Cortellessa of the Times of Israel and others, the main takeaway from this is Donald Trump is an antisemite!
US President Donald Trump told a conference of American Jews Saturday night that he did not have to worry about getting their votes, because they would cast ballots with business interests in mind.Don't take my word for it. Watch for yourself. This interpretation is more than a stretch.Speaking to the Israeli American Council advocacy group, Trump also said that some Jews didn’t love Israel enough. His comments drew quick criticism from opponents and were derided as anti-Semitic.
Wading into the 2020 campaign, Trump said the crowd would not vote for one of his potential Democratic opponents because she would take their wealth away.
“You have to vote for me, you have no choice,” Trump said. “You’re not going to vote for Pocahontas, I can tell you that,” referring to Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, in a dig at her claiming Native American ancestry.
“You’re not going to vote for the wealth tax,” he went on. “Let’s take 100 percent of your wealth away. No, no. Even if you don’t like me — and some of you don’t, some of you I don’t like at all actually — and you’re going to be my biggest supporters because you’ll be out of business in about 15 minutes.”
Warren has proposed an annual two percent tax on households with a net worth of between $50 million and $1 billion — and an additional four percent tax to those with a net worth exceeding $1 billion.
Jewish Democrats criticized the president’s remarks as anti-Semitic.
“Trump’s insistence on using anti-Semitic tropes when addressing Jewish audiences is dangerous and should concern every member of the Jewish community — even Jewish Republicans,” said Aaron Keyak, a former chair of the National Jewish Democratic Council. “Trump’s embrace of anti-Semitic rhetoric much stop. Period.”
This is not the first time Trump has been accused of anti-Semitism for linking Jews to money.
In 2015, Trump, then a candidate, told the Republican Jewish Coalition that “you’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money. You want to control your politicians, that’s fine.”
The president on Saturday also criticized American Jews who were not sufficiently supportive of the Jewish state.
“You have people – Jewish people – and they are great people and they don’t love Israel enough,” he said.
The comments were reminiscent of remarks he made in August when he said that Jews who vote for Democrats were disloyal, drawing a vociferous backlash.
You needn't like Donald Trump - he is clearly a flawed individual (aren't we all?). But if you are intellectually honest, you cannot honestly believe he has nothing for fondness and admiration for Israel and the Jewish people.
And if you are a Democrat, I suggest you pay attention to the vile antisemitism permeating your own party. Like the sight of Rashida Tlaib wearing a keffiyeh (a symbol of palestinian terrorism) in Congress, speaking against a resolution supporting a two-state solution.
Posted from Israellycool with SteemPress : https://www.israellycool.com/2019/12/08/times-of-israel-peddles-in-fake-news-about-donald-trump-speech-at-iac-national-summit/