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RE: Delete We can do better.

in #palnet6 years ago

I agree with you I was telling a friend that steemit should be like what iron man was to the marvel cinematic universe it gets people enGaged and once they In the world building begins and people are introduced to the other dapps while you remain a focal point of interconnectivity

Your role in the ecosystem doesn’t diminish as more charatcerS/dapps enter and people fall involve and fall in love with it, rather your role changes and adapts to help get the most out of the platforms that make up your ecosystem

Steem is a shared universe we just need a golden thread weaved in between it all which is what steemit should aim to be! Hire me as a consultant I’ll get it done lol

Posted using Partiko iOS


Exactly. Get them in, give them a taste of the good stuff then get them addicted. Like heroin. Or iron man, same difference.

At the moment we are trying to lure them into an abandoned house wearing rags and a crazy smile telling them there are sweets in the back. It worked on a few of us but in general not a winning line.

Lol, that's so true, basically steemit looks like this to the outside world

Pretty much. Can't believe I fell for that again.