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RE: The Zionist Regime Has 350 Palestinian Children Illegally Incarcerated in Their Jails

in #palestine7 years ago

Everything you say is true Lyndsay and if it was going on amywhere else in the world it would have been stamped out by sanction, invasion etc years ago. But this is Israel, they get to do what they fuck they like because they're backed by a network of international banking Zionists as world says and does...NOTHING!
It's the biggest disgrace of international politics in history.



One day, our grandchildren will ask us, how we ever let this happen...for 70 years now!!! But especially recently when we are living in the age of information, yet most still choose to remain willfully ignorant!

One of the biggest problems in understanding the reality of what has taken place through the Balfour Declaration is that people still refer to those who are killing innocent people, destroying their livelihood and basically causing mayhem for an entire population through genocide relate this as being Israel. The Balfour Declaration created the State of Israel but those still thumping their bible and holy books can't see that because the term Israel is still used. The Israel purported in the ancient writings are of the people of Israel not the current, created in 1948 STATE of Israel which is led by the Zionists. Even the people of Israel (the true Jews) have been duped and have been taken over by this illegal occupation.

Because the US is one of the biggest contributors to the continuing genocide at the hands of the State of Israel my family, friends and grandkids know why I do not travel or spend $. I go out once every 3 months for basic supplies that I can't grow or produce and even with that little spent, I am sad that any portion of it will go to fund a genocide of innocent people.

The $ amounts in funding has risen since this article, but it gives a good summary of how intense the US government is on the destruction of the Palestinian people and other nations that do not conform.

You are talking about the politics of others. For the Jews (faith and nationality), to them, all those papers meant was that they were given back their own country! If Rome had managed to hold on to the same area, we would side with the Italians, that theJews have no right to claim their own country back?

If the politics was a crime, then go after those who committed the crime, not after those who have only reclaimed their own country. I believe the Rothschild family were mostly to blame? Dare you go after them?

You are right, the Roths were definitely behind (and still are) the Belfour Dec. and responsible for the continued killing of innocent people. When we dig deep enough it appears the Rothchild family is basically behind most all wars.

Before setting off the bot patrol (while I wasn't typing it from the rooftops)
I wanted to understand what causes this willful ignorance.

I made a post on Wael's most recent post I hope you might have a moment to read @lyndsaybowes.
I'm certain we can override it now that we've discovered exactly what creates this situation.

People care they are just too tired/stressed out and numb ~ paired with the false information conditioning us to not see these people as reflections of themselves.

Thank you for all your work beautifuls
I'm ready to set off the bot patrol now if need be :)

It's got to be about peace, for kids.
They have no history ~ so why are we giving them hell right out of the womb?

F**k to the No more of that .

I'm not going to look away anymore. What can I do Lyndsay?

Thanks Amy. That's really brave of you! Read up on some of the things I mentioned, once you have informed yourself, and are confident enough, begin to share with others what you have learned. xoxo Love you Sister!

I will inform myself. And then I will share. The research I've been doing on our own country's crimes against humanity is really waking me up.
I will try to use my voice to make a difference.

@amymya, another thing you can do, which is nonviolent, effective, and no one even needs to know you do it, is make sure little to no israeli products enter your home. By boycotting the things they steal from and create on Palestinian land, here is the official list:

You are already making a difference just by being curious! Thanks again xoxo Beautiful Soul.

Thank you, I will do this and tell my fam to as well. <3<3<3

I do not agree with your “perspective”

This is akin to false statements without zooming out.


The first : you should know is that there's a difference between a Jew and a Zionist.
The Jew is a person who believes in the Jewish religion.
And the Zionist is a criminal that controls the world economy and world media... And spread the war and moral corruption in the world...
The war is between Muslims and Zionists...

The second : Palestine is not from Belfort property until it is given to Jews

The third: 13 million Israelis killed 2140 Palestinians in 2014... While 67 Israelis died... Meaning one Israeli for 34 Palestinians... What happens if there are 2.1 billion Israelis..... I think even you can die ...
The fourth :Israel means the prophet Jacob. Like my name @yagoub... It doesn't mean Palestine...
And if you're talking about history... You and all the people of Canada and the entire population of the United States and Brazil.... etc must leave to Europe because that land belongs to the indigenous people...

Abstract: Imagine that a thief comes to your home and then kicked you and your family out of the house... And you can't go to the police because he controls the police and you can't go to the press because he also controls it... And when you go to court, you'll find that he put a lawsuit against you and find that you have a terrorist charge... Tell me what to do in this case...
You can't do anything... But there are noble people who will not be silenced by this @lyndsaybowes

you cannot steal which was once yours. But apparently if you are living in Canada or the United States you can focus on the middle east while being a voice for a region people have no idea about? Yah.. I see lyndsay fighting for the Native Indians in Canada where she resides. Shouldn't that be the focus? Clean up your own shit while focusing on another? You know.. clean up whats at home before you ring the bell on someone else? Nobody seems to focus on that!

So now you should tell me, who to fight for? Of course I speak out for the Genocide against the First Nations in Canada...

that’s great! Stick with problems in your own back yard. You have freedom of speech but you really do not understand the history of Israel. It didn’t start with the balfour

Two words. Balfour declaration


The Roman's renamed Israel to Palestine. I understand world history starts at the Balfour declaration but my goodness how much propoganda is out there. You might as well erase the word Israel from the New testament and even the QURAN!

You might as well erase the word Israel from the New Testament and even the QURAN!

What an utterly ridiculous statement.

Neither one of those texts is a real estate deed. The Balfour declaration was put together and enacted to keep the region in perpetual war not to give the Jewish people a home, that was a pretext.
I have every sympathy for the Jewish people being tarred by the same brush as the rulers of Irsael as I'm sure many do not agree with their governments actions, however there is no Muslim or Christian 'homeland' why should there be a Jewish one? Jewish people lived peacefully in Palestine for centuries prior to the creation of Israel in its current form, the last 70 years have been a disaster for the whole region.
There is plenty of propaganda out there alright, I think may have fallen for it.

Israel in the Quran means the Prophet Jacob.... Not a land...
also the Jews lived with Prophet Muhammad... And the Jews live in Tunisia with the Muslims peacefully
The problem is not in the Jews... Problem in Zionists...
This is a criminal group that wants to dominate the world.

false.. look up the chevron massacre.

It's pretty clear muslims have many homelands some of which are fighting for supremacy; Iran and Saudi Arabia. They have charters based on Islam.

No Muslim homeland? you are telling me that as a non-Muslim you have been to Mecca? If not, then try it.

There is a major difference between a country set up specifically as a 'homeland' and city that is a place of holy pilgrimage. You can go to the country of Saudi Arabia, it's just their holy sites that are off limits to non believers currently under the equally disgusting regime ruling that country.

The Roman lived centuries ago, in time we are supposed to learn anyway it does not give the excuse for murder people! We should be coming together and try to live as one; not trying to dominate and control and grab land! 💯🐒

I suggest you educate yourself on this topic beginning with reading The Controversy of Zion by Douglass Reed


agree with r the map shows whats going on and the disgrace of politics. i was watching a video a mother of three baby children they put her in a car and what was the result all the littlel children were crying that was the sad moment in my life whats wrong she did i am so sad

Follow the money. They only sanction when it's to their gain, otherwise they ignore, or if its to their gain they aid.

Nice map #tremendospercy. And the other side of the picture, if you switch your thinking over to how the Jews must feel, is the map shows how the Jews have been succeeding at reclaiming what used to be their country.

The Arabs are not being the 'nice' guys, they all only categorically state they want to exterminate each and every Jew.

I'm not a Jew, but if I was, I would prefer to see the Arabs exterminated, since being 'nice' would mean my people are exterminated.

You are all stating you prefer that all Jews be exterminated, for the Muslims do not leave any other interpretation available for us to use for justifying ourselves!!!