in #palestine4 months ago

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In light of recent geopolitical, analytical whatnot developments, one state is really the only sensible solution to the crisis in the West Asia and that state should be of Palestine.

I have defended the state of Israel before because it was ratified into existence by UN and major nuclear superpowers as a condition for them ending WWI and in the aftermath of WWII geopolitical arrangements. As hereditary High Priest of Israel, House of Levy, I have had inherited this mess and try to justify it and explain it away the best I could, and am one of the best at it.

However, after seeing how this had unfolded, along with recent escalation again into the genocide territory as well my personal research into the matter which took some time to complete, I now admit that the so called Palestinians are more ethnically so called Jewish than those Europeans who claim to be the Jew yet are not but of the Synagogue of Satan. That is from the Bible btw, God's word. So be it.

The two state solution is militarily impossible to defend and would inevitably escalate back to war. The state of Israel was created by the UN, accompanied by the genocide, so I presume the UN can also change it to be the state of Palestine instead since Israel repeatedly and criminally is hostile to UN. It is time to admit that the whole Israel thing was contrived by the Zionists solely for Western presence in the oil rich region and nothing else. The faje European Jews used as a coverup.

Most rich Jews 2.0 already have left back to US, UK, EU South Africa, Ukraine and Russia, wherever their Ashkenazi Khazarian Satanic fake Jewish ass came from. Many are old and young, many are outraged by their government and would join the state of Palestine if it was an option.The religious mother's mother Rabbinical Talmudic pedo heretics must go to Hell whence they came from.

The Arab and Muslim world out to set their disagreements aside in order to unite with Iran in the ever growing escalation by Israel / US / EU / NATO Neocons into full blown war which will inevitably lead to WWIII and nuclear apocalypse.



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