Breaking News: Palestinian Teen Stabbed & Critically Wounded by zionist Settler

in #palestine7 years ago (edited)

(Video 4:58)

Warning: My video contains scenes that sensitive people may not be able to handle. I give warning in the video when to turn it off if you are unable to handle this truth of living under zionist occupation.

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Source of Video within my Video: Palestinian photojournalist Hamde Abu Rahma

Update: Wednesday February 14/2018 at 6:18 pm Atlantic Time

His name is Mustafa al-Maghrabi. The Palestinian Information Center reports:

A Palestinian young man was severely injured Wednesday afternoon when a horde of Jewish settlers savagely attacked him in al-Aqsa Mosque.

Shortly after breaking into the Mosque, a group of settlers attacked the young man Mustafa al-Maghrabi near al-Silsila gate.

According to the PIC field reporter, the young man suffered serious injuries during the attack including a skull fracture.

The wounded young man was found unconscious and immediately transferred to Hadassah Hospital in critical condition.

Join the #BDS Movement today. It is the most peaceful and nonviolent way to oppose the illegal occupation of Palestine. Here you will find the master list of products and services to boycott >>>

Image Source

Always remember, our continued silence, is approval, to continue the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.


A friend of mine is a strong believer in #BDS Movement. A year back when i offered him a pepsi, he refused to drink it saying it is a Israeli product and he is boycotting it to protest against their occupation Palestine.

I can feel the pain of Palestinians. There was a time once when even my country was under occupation. we can understand the pain of occupation. So many lives were lost in attempting to fight against the british.

Sadly, my countries current government is supporting Israel and its occupation. The current leadership that we have here is little weird.

What that settler did to that boy is completely in human. It is out right racism. I pray that the boy lives through this. I sometimes feel like i had the power to free these Palestinians from Israel but sadly i am merely a peasant. All i can do right is to participate #BDS movement and pray to god that he saves the Palestinians.

Thank you for pointing this out. I had no idea about pepsi and so saying this opens up my research of what to avoid. It is one way where I can start to help. I am checking the list now.

You can also download app "BOYCOTT" available on both Android and iOS platform.just you have to sign up with Facebook account join the FREE PALESTINE movement.and every time you purchase a product scan barcode app will tell you whether you have to avoid that product or not.

Great I will use that from now on...for every product..thank you

Awesome, thank you for that! A very good thing to have indeed

all i can say is that may we all be forgiven because we all have some flaws... but what is happening in palestine should be stopped .... we just have to imagine that they are humans too. what will happen if someone do such thing to us.... but actually the thing is that we have forgotten the feelings .....

Thank you for taking a stand. The tides will turn when more become aware of the truth, and join #BDS too. Apartheid in South Africa was ended because of BDS. I have hope.

Thats great news. I know I'm going to hear about it when I say this but I havent been following the news for years now. I am unable to handle all of what is going on. I become destroyed and I cant function, I go nuts. I take in everything without an outlet. It is enough to drive a person mad. Knowing that BDS can work is great news to me.
I'm hopping back on the news train.

I totally understand the feelings of helplessness associated with witnessing the truth of the occupation, and feeling so small to be able to change it. I'm glad you're sensitive! I'm glad you have a huge heart! We need more people with that fierce love of humanity in their hearts. And lastly, I'm grateful that you will look at not buying certain products on the BDS list. You don't have to take in the news if it hurts too much. Taking action is still possible <3 <3 Thank you again for writing me @foxyspirit. Much Love Sis.

Taking action is what I will be doing. Some news is needed to block out but its not right to ignore it all either. I have to find balance and do the right thing when I can. Lots of love to you too, and to everyone xx.

i am muslim .... and i condemn any brutality to any person living on Gods earth.... he may belong to any religion i dont care ,,, this is what my religion teaches me,,, this is what i believe in.... this is what is the life of Holly Prophet is all about" humanity" comes first.

That's just so fucked up. Everything about it. Not just a boy getting stabbed but the fact there are still people that argue using bullshit and mostly made up his-story to justify that they rather remain blind to the facts of what is really happening right now. Sis the warning should come that when I especially me hear your voice on these matters that I will feel your pain and well up. You just keep shouting from the roof tops and I'll keep supporting you in your choice and right to do so. People who want to remain blind to the facts can fuck off and we'll keep
Getting it out to people who do care and although they to and me are afraid of the real truth. We will
Remain strong enough to accept it.

Thanks for all the support through the years Tony. You really care.

I love your work

totally agreed....i will be there on your side too..

The Rothschild sponsored Zionist regime will only be stopped when Canada, the US, and Western Europe stop supporting genocide disguised as the right to protect themselves. Protect themselves from what....12 year old kids throwing stones at Nazi like IDF forces that shoot with impunity. Even those living in Israel are protesting this shit.
Governments NEVER work for the people, there is always an agenda and WE, just like the Palestinians, are in the way of that agenda.
God help us...

Thank you for always using your voice @brimax. I am grateful for you, you give me a lot of hope!

We are many against the few......we'll wake up enough of the many soon!

@lyndsaybowes you are great.Haejin fears of new TA analyst and downvoted him today without any reason. @lyndsaybowes
this guy need you @salahuddin2004 .check his blog.

@brimax you are right... what can a 12 year old boy do... this is just a way to suppress them.. nothing else ... they just need excuses..

We must all speak out about these injustices.

This is horrible!!

For any who doubt the inherent racism of "true believers" in Israel



Thank you for sharing @homalinadir.

Hi @lyndsaybowes,

It seems you got a $32.9018 upvote from @v4vapid at the last minute before the payout. (17.7h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.

Please follow @abusereports for additional reports of reward pool abuse. Thank you.

Thank you, you're doing the community a great service.

Ah thats extremely obnoxious,iseali settlers are indeed the most inhuman barbaric nation alive on this face of are rights the extremist are like that only. They can't answer any questions raised against them thats why they do play tactics like that,they are the Masters of changing topics.
I'm from India & currently my country getting in good relationship with the Zionist but I'm happy that our foreign policy and our stand on Palestine is still firm at UN,also my country's PM is on Palestine visit.hope situations there will melt our PM heart and his stand on Palestine might gives a big blow Indo-Zionist relationship.
I do support BDS movement

Makes me fucking sick what these bastards get way with, because the world naive to see the truth. Then its hardly ever reported in the propaganda media, when the do it crap like this I wonder what would happen if these journalist grew some balls and did their job properly and stoped protecting the criminals.

Great on you @lyndsaybowes massive hugs to you. Real #ophumanangels work you doing here 💯🐒

Thank you so much for speaking out, for your righteous rage, and for defending human rights. Mad Love and respect for you Vibe.

OMG.. its very strange and painful
I really disappointed and disheart when see or know that #palestine people have faced cruelty.


Our society not increase the voice of cruelty and bearness just stay clam.

I totally agree with and pray to #Almight-Allah to forgiveness and stay blessed them.

my support and best wishes always to innocent people.
Steem on

Thank you for always speaking out. I appreciate you.

really thanx for your support
gaza love you dear

We all are the creation of the Single Creator then we are killing and beating our bros an sisters, just for the sake of mortal power! Sad.

I don't know what the UN is doing for the Palestinians, everyday they are bearing the brutality of the international politics , what a shame on the face of the word HUMAN :/

I strongly condemn this coward attack on this innocent human being, such a sick way to suppress the people, who wants freedom that is their basic right.

#freepalestine #spreadpeace #say_no_to_hatred !!!!

It goes to show how the UN and more importantly the Security Council are completely corrupted. They are not interested in peace. They are interested in gaining more wealth.

Money is power and power is lust to control others by putting nose in others matter which is indeed a devil's job. Same goes with UN as they are blind and sleeping whenever the issues of BOSNIA PALESTINE KASHMIR AFGHANISTAN IRAN IRAQ and many other countries went before them, yes they are always sleeping.