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RE: BREAKING NEWS: Another Palestinian Teen Murdered By IOF (Israeli Occupation Forces)

in #palestine7 years ago

Quite a distorted view you have.
Israelis do get their children blown up - all you have to do is remember the multiple suicide bombings on buses and markets in Israel after the Oslo "peace accords" - killing hundreds of Israeli civilians.
....and the numerous stabbings, car rammings and terror attacks in the last few years.

Arab regimes have been murdering their own populations for decades, literally in the millions - whilst Israel has 20% of its population as Arab citizens, and pretty much the most prosperous and free Arab's in the Entire middle East (Arab-Israeli's that is)
As for the Palestinians - much of their calamity is their own fault, for corrupt leadership leading them on a path of destruction - the proof is simple, using terror tactics as a response to Oslo peace accords when full autonomy was given to the major population areas (area A)

Its really quite simple - in the 1980's under Israeli administration, 100,000 Gazan Palestinians had jobs in Israel and the rest in Egypt with 5% unemployment and a booming economy, largely integrated with Israel.
After Oslo and unilateral Israeli withdrawal (2003) - a terrorist Hamas entity takes over Gaza and leads to over 50% unemployment, dictatorship, terrorism, radical misuse of resources (using materials given by the UN to build houses for terrorist tunnels) and radicalized Islamist education opposed to Western values.

...and yes, the outcry from Palestinians does disproportionately cover news compared to other events in the world - consider HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS killed in Libya, Syria, Iraq and other Arab regimes, tens of thousands of Kurds killed by the Turks, hundreds of thousands killed by Burmese in Rohingya province in their civil wars.
In contrast, Palestinians are mostly responsible for any injuries or those killed (what does one expect attacking a border defense zone with petrol bombs ? )