
Thanks Amy. That's really brave of you! Read up on some of the things I mentioned, once you have informed yourself, and are confident enough, begin to share with others what you have learned. xoxo Love you Sister!

I will inform myself. And then I will share. The research I've been doing on our own country's crimes against humanity is really waking me up.
I will try to use my voice to make a difference.

@amymya, another thing you can do, which is nonviolent, effective, and no one even needs to know you do it, is make sure little to no israeli products enter your home. By boycotting the things they steal from and create on Palestinian land, here is the official list:

You are already making a difference just by being curious! Thanks again xoxo Beautiful Soul.

Thank you, I will do this and tell my fam to as well. <3<3<3