The Pakistani Cyclist Traveled 9700 Kilometers Journey to Karachi

On October 25 last year, the first Pakistani cyclist Abdul Rahman started his journey from Lahore, travelled 9700 KM and reached Mazar-e-Quaid, Karachi.
Talking to Express on special occasion, he was awarded a great tribute by the citizens, while cyclingist Abdul Rahman said he was determined to break the record of 1,200 km of Indian cyclist and highlight the name of Pakistan. He travelled from Lahore to Rawalpindi and then reached Balochistan where the Pak Army's soldiers and Baloch tribesmen gave their magnificent and lucky reception with which he got more courage.
Abdul Rahman will continue his journey from Karachi to Thar in the next few days, but he is determined to arrive at Lahore on March 23, making a new record of 18 thousand km. Local cyclist says that Abdul Rahman is an example for us and looking at his zeal It can not be denied that there is no lack of talent in Pakistan.