RE: Anarchist to Abolitionist: A Bad Quaker's Journey
Yes, absolutely, Scientology.
Don't get me wrong, not suggesting joining the cult, just looking for an opinion on the tech.
If you haven't read the material, it won't be your honest evaluation of the material, but second hand opinions repeated.
My interactions with actual members is limited.
What I saw I didn't like.
Others, coming out after years inside, don't like the cult, either.
But, what I have yet to hear, despite two decades of looking, is a refutation of the tech.
All the tell-alls address personalities, not the efficacy of the techniques.
I came away a better person for having read the material, but, for the life of me, I haven't found one person willing to do the reading to offer a valid opinion.
I have had reports from some that had the tech forced upon them, but that is hardly comparable to an open minded evaluation.
So, if you do take the time, please let me know what you think of it.
If you would rather not, i would still like to hear you opinion, and how you reached it.