The new user problem... just focus and work hard! future is great!

Steeamit Is a platform where people can publish their journal and articles as well as earn money from their hard work in a form of steem. It is also a platform to interact with other people like facebook and twitter.
Moreover, a steem that can earn is a form of cryptocurrency where they can trade or convert into a real money, specifically it's an actual money only in a virtual form like the famous bitcoin and etherium. The only difference is it was not been mined by the used of complex machines that typically used in bitcoin mining.

It's a nice starting point for those who want to become writer, blogger, entrepreneur, etc. since it isn't like facebook that most people prioritized the numbers of likes and emoticons. Because in steemit, likes which is called upvotes has its own equivalent value which depend on the person who likes the author's content. In short your post has a value, not just some simple emoticon and likes.
AN : "This is great! and I'm regreting that I only discovered this now in 2019"
But despite of its all potential and promises, steemit is still not that promissing for the most new users since most of the steemers are using vote bot that makes it hard for the new users articles to be noticed, but it doesn't guarantee that new users cant become successful in this platform because hardwork is the real key to success.
My though to be successful since me, my self is also a newbie here, and I'm still in the process of figuring on how I can imporove my career here.
My thoughts about steem cryptocurrency
I'm not that professional about crypto world market but I think that having steem coin is a great opportunity and maybe, just maybe, someday about 2 years from now steem price will become 5 USD or more and thats a great thing.
How about you guys? What's your thought about the future of steem and also what can you advice to us new users here?
Thank you for the read!
-Steemianz Adjedel
Older Post
-First Post: Introduction
-Enjoy life, be free!
-Steem Reading Report 18-0001 : Good Morning from Asia. . .
Good, keep at it, don't give up!