OSINT exercise - Mandalay Bay Casino Shooting
4chan /pol is busy right now digging up details on the situation; however. 4chan is hard to navigate, and there are definitely infowar ops active on the threads (probably, need to do a post on forum trolls, although there is a good guide floating around the net on that from way back in the 90s).
The FBI is claiming that this has nothing to do with terrorism, but we have heard that song from them before. Right now, I don't have any theories.
What I propose is that we do is an OSINT session of our own
- Keep in mind the 24 hour rule - responses within 24 hours of highly charged situations tend to be emotionally based
- Let's verify facts before putting together theories, then compare those theories
- Let's ask specific questions
- I'll repeat this; let's get the facts, THEN build theory
- Archive anything that may be memory holed (http://archive.is/), and share here as a SOURCE
- Best to work down a single answer at a time, but to keep records or bookmarks of relevant issues
Some questions to answer:
- Where did Paddock get multiple automatic weapons?
- Who is Marilou Danley?
- Who is Geary Danley?
- Can the following be verified by about Paddock (source /pol):
-Owned 2 airplanes
-Had a pilot's license
-Hunting license in Alaska
-Brother named Eric, who said he was "just some guy" and couldn't imagine why he'd do it
-Fucking Marilou Danley
-He called his mother before he did it, didn't tell her he was going to do this.
-Lived in Florida and Nevada
-Lived in a retirement community on a golf course
-64 Years Old
-Had no known credible social media accounts - Can the story that a woman threatened concert goers before the concert be verified? source
- Was Paddock shot by police, or did he shoot himself?
Please label your comment as SOURCE, THEORY, or QUESTION before the rest;
Example: THEORY - this is a false flag designed to push gun control
QUESTION - can this be verified? ISIS claims he converted to Islam months ago to carry out this mission http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/islamic-state-claims-las-vegas-mass-shooting-50231344
Feel free to post links to your own blogposts here as well, but label the main point of your post in the comment, please!
Shooting distance
Current references
@dwinblood https://steemit.com/news/@dwinblood/the-las-vegas-shooting-what-kind-of-information-is-coming-out
Conversion of semi-automatic weapons to full automatic
Upcoming Gun Control Legislation
Vegas rents these. Probably not overnight. Haven't watched the videos, but some have said it sounded like AKs. "Roommate" Marilou Danley has traveled to the Mid-East (Dubai) and with Vegas as a location, could easily be a travel agent of some sort, which would give her access to smuggle weapons in.
It seems all places confirmed for where he lived were after 2010. He had a Twitter account opened in 2010, which followed several Chicago based Twitter accounts (sports, news, etc). If it was his account, what was the fascination with Chicago, if he didn't live there.
Look at this video and tell me it doesn't sound like shots are coming from 2 guns. Or is it an echo?
Or this.
I would go with echo.
Mandalay Bay isn't straight across, it has a curve and would easily cause that noise.
someone claimed countersniper ops experience, and that his opinion was single shooter based on watching the vids
Idk man, to me it sounds like at least 2 guns were firing at the same time. Who knows.
Good comment on pol:
It wouldn't be hard to get that many casualties when firing directly into an unprotected crowd that big. He fired a lot of shots.
When I first heard it I was thinking either the supersonic bullet sound issue as described below or also sounds reflecting off of nearby buildings.
I also tend to agree with those who think it was a belt-fed mg, going by the sound.
At first, I thought it was either a B.A.R. or a belt fed M-1919 machinegun because of the slow cyclic rate of automatic fire. But, when I found out that at least several of his rifles had bumpfire stocks, that explains the slower cyclic rate of fire. It takes longer between shots with a bumpfire stock because of the way it works.
ATF will have the answers in a few days.
Getting weirder...
According to news and pictures that I saw on Zero Hedge, several of the rifles had "Bumpfire" stocks. You can effectively shoot a semi auto rifle as a full auto with a bumpfire stock with a bit of practice. That would explain the slower cyclic rate of automatic fire heard in the video.
Apparently there was at least 1 fully automatic rifle in the room. As he was a rich dude with no criminal record, he could have legally bought a full auto weapon from a class 3 dealer.
There was also a rather gruesome picture of him laying on the floor with blood pooling around the back of his head. From the picture, it looked like he put the barrel of his revolver, also in the picture, into his mouth and pulled the trigger.
Here's the link to the story on Zero Hedge. In the pictures of the guns, you can clearly see the bumpfire stocks on a couple of the rifles. There's also the picture of him on the floor.
Three pieces of good data right there; would you source them, please?
That is one of the main goals of the post, to be able to source facts. That way they can be verified or discredited, and we can move ever closer to the Truth!
Stephen Paddock Twitter Account ~ https://twitter.com/THEPADS/
While it is up.
Other focus is St. Louis Cardinals.
No tweets. But, two images on the account to recognize him.
his Twitter has been archived here
his Following Twitter here:
barb wire tat around upper right arm...prior service?
And the Superman logo on the other side?
Probably just hanging out with the wrong crowd. Barbwire tattoo seems like a trend from the 90s or later, not something to get while serving.
Marilou Danley - last image is from Dubai. Since she was an Australian citizen, Dubai isn't out of the ordinary.
~ http://heavy.com/news/2017/10/marilou-danley-photos-marylou-danly-mary-lou-stephen-paddock-wife-girlfriend-facebook-las-vegas-shooting/
not bad looking for her 60s
The last picture is more telling.
I'm not ruling her out. Did you see the video of the girl who said some old lady came up to her and said "You all are going to die tonight." The girl said she was Hispanic, I think ol' Marilou could be mistaken for Hispanic.
yes, listed as one of the QUESTIONS to verify
and agreed she could be mistaken for a latina
Just a quick search on fully automatic weapons in Vegas
my unverified opinion is that theses are on site rentals.
I need to dig down and get the source social media accounts of the people involved
My unverified knowledge remembers that you can rent them and take them out to a desert range. But, if he wanted to practice before hand, the on-site rentals are probably very discreet.
But, I agree, that he probably could not have rented them overnight. But, in Vegas, I'm sure with the right amount of cash, you could probably get something.
So, it is going to be hard to pinpoint him to an address. He's almost a ghost.
His brother says that they didn't know their father very well.
However, if Stephen had lived almost 30 different places in 60 years, it would seem he understood the fugitive life very well.
Ryan Williams
Founder of Dreem2Reality Entertainment & the D2R Podcast Network. Conspiracy FACTist. Podcaster. Writer. Station Chief. The official Area Man.
The one person he follows and follows back is a False Flag conspiracy creator.
Yes....you read that. The Conspiracy guy is "located" in Rockford, IL.
Reshared @phibetaiota
This is a very Catalyzing event. Everyone must be on alert and establish evidence based intelligence. This type of event was predicted. Now we must be vigilant about the TRUE cause.
Thanks for reSteem!
This is the kind of event that your account was made to dig into!
Exactly. Let's go get some answers!
You will find here proof that there was a shooter on the 4th Floor of the hotel - plus evidence of other shooters - there's also the interview with Stephen's brother: https://steemit.com/tag/@ura-soul/las-vegas-shooting-proof-the-official-version-is-wrong-shots-from-4th-floor-and-witnesses-to-other-shooters-jfk-assassination
I just found this video, an article came online the day BEFORE the shooting took place:

Question.....MK Ultra?
FWIW, I don't think it's the case here
I keep seeing this.
Was the shooter deliberately aiming at the security on the ground for the concert?
that's a good question; was he on auto fire? did security run into the line of fire?
At that angle, I would think the crowd as a mass would be an easier target. It wouldn't make sense to hit the security, unless they were lined up and just took the first shots due to the distance. And then he would have adjusted.
Vacation is over... There is Dickery afoot!
The Storm has arrived...
maybe this IS a case of somebody just going batshit...but if so, we need some answers.
Unverified at this point, but Marilou's ex Geary is supposedly a BernieBro; BernieBros were behind the Scalise shooting and a second which never really made the news.
If that is the case he probably has a history of psychotropic drug use, anti depressants, SSRI.
Bill Cooper stated in his book "Behold a pale horse" that the CIA had a operation named Orion. The goal of the program was to cause mass casualty shootings to change how the public thought about firearms to eventually remove the second amendment.
He said they used Prozac and electromagnetic frequencies to trigger someone to want to cause mayhem. Since then other drugs have been invented and used.
this would be an angle to look at; while he has no arrest record, maybe some might dig up medical records and see if there is any linkage
Great points. I've been a fan of Cooper's since the 90's.
Currently I read this site for some of my updates...
A globalist effort to distruct from Catalonia violence and their 90% victory vote for independence from spanish and eu dictatorship.
Suspect of course supposedly dead. Not known to 'authorities' before.
10 weapons into a hotel and he lived there for almost a week, no staff took notice of 10 rifles...
Organized, mind controlled, planned - lone wolf make belief with additional benefit: Disarmament of the American people - as 'suspect' had no priors and weapons have been obtained legally.
My two cents.
The "false flag" theory to push for gun control is common over at /pol
How they are going to disarm the people, who are represented as the victims of this shooting, mystifies me. This shooting is another example of WHY we need all methods of self-defense available
Globalist logic is up side down. Fear is used and has been successfully utilized disarming Australia, and most of Europe. Brainwashed CNN watchers and Obama money will push the narrative - and sold out politicians push the unconstitutional legislation that's to come.
Did not look at 4Chan... Too many opinions.
analysis paralysis and information overload are terms used to describe that; it's why I suggested that each person find a question and answer one question before trying to go farther
The fact that the suspect has been in the hotel for a week, supposedly smuggled the weapons in himself - female companion out of the country and not a suspect - suggests mind controlled action to me.
I am thinking "patsy" myself, but we have to get data first
64 year old book keeper with a couple of hunting licenses - hand gun 4x owner, kept in safe, and a settled suit for a slip and fall against a casino. No priors.
Also, plenty of off-duty military present in crowd?
MSM narrative now moving to pre-crime detection.
right now I'm looking at the LBFM that was "out of the country" at the time of the shooting, but had been with him all week prior at the hotel
We are kind of our own type of 4chan And I think It's exciting as hell.
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