MediBloc Platform, health in the blockchain
MediBloc Platform, Health in the Blockchain
Some questions...
Who had to pay more than once for the same study?
Has a doctor mistakenly ignored some important information during a diagnosis?
Have you experienced difficulty using some data because the records are not compatible between different hospital systems?
On many occasions, your health information is not transferable to different hospitals because the current system is inefficient and focuses on medical institutions. The current medical data system is centralized, however, it is not enough to guarantee the integrity and security of the patient's data. The risk in terms of data loss or hacking is always present. In addition, it has been proven that some institutions have abused their power and have exchanged information for research without the authorization of patients.
Insurance companies have also been affected by these deficiencies, since due to fraud they have reported significant losses every year.
After observing these drawbacks and an increase in the demand for the exchange of medical information, several companies have created some projects such as the Blue Button Connector, the US government led project, Apple's Mobile Healthcare Application, and Samsung's Mobile Healthcare Application, however; theses are not enough to satisfy the requirements such as security, reliability, and transparency needed for an ideal healthcare information system.
Therefore, they have not been as receptive on the part of health care service providers, consumers of health care services and the health care industry in general.
As a result, the MediBloc team was born, offering to create an ideal health care information system through the use of blockchain technology, providing a platform that supports patient-centered care, precision medicine and predictive care.
What is MediBloc?

MediBloc started as a project of two doctors to solve current problems of healthcare information system using blockchain technology. By returning patients' scattered healthcare information from medical institutions to the patients and developing an ecosystem where healthcare information is distributed safely, we will make a world with whole new healthcare experience for all including patients, healthcare providers, and researchers.
Mission statement of MediBlocTeam
“Improve health care access and experience by redistributing value of personal health care data, accelerating the world’s shift to private information decentralization.”

MediBloc Platform ... is much more than a data exchange service ...
Uses healthcare data system by blockchain technology´
Focused on consumer offering variety of services.
Personal Health Record (PHR) reliable and transparent data.
It will use the open-source API and SDK to create services.
Uses Meditoken(MED), a cryptocurrency that will build a medical information economic ecosystem in which consumers are at the core.
There is a unique opportunity to receive incentive for participating.
Maximum security:
MediBloc hopes to block the possibility of these leaks and reduce access to private health data by taking the rights from big corporations and giving it to the individual patients
High Reliability
MediBloc stores healthcare information in a decentralized data storage. In order to prevent dat loss,we will continuously generate back up data,verify the integrity of the data and when modulations are surfaced, recover the original databy using the back up data.
The data can not be erased or easily modified which maintains the integrity of the information, in addition the data can only be seen by another person with prior authorization.
High Transparency
MediBloc records the activity of the who write / read / accesss that information on the blockchain. Currently, it is difficult to track and show how individual health information is used, but MediBloc Provide transparently information in when, where and to que purpose he health care information I was used.
High Interoperability
MediBloc is an open-source platform. Various platform applications canfreely be connected using the healthcare data stored on the platform.
High Accessibility
MediBloc stores all healthcare information in a decentralized database, where users can easily access it anywhere through the Internet.
This is difficult when it is the institutions that handle the information.
Patient-centered Healthcare information System
MediBloc will use blockchain- the symbol of decentralization- to disrupt the current healthcare data system and to achieve data integration.
This platform no only store healthcare data produced by a medical institution, also can store Information produced by patients outside of the hospitals creating Patient-Generated Health Record(PGHR).
Platform Structure
The MediBloc platform consists of three layers:Core,Service,andApplication.

MediBloc Account
These are the rules in Medibloc Platform, however certain conditions apply; In cases where the patient is unable to manage their account, it could be handled by a family member. In addition, the patient can previously mark important information; blood type for example, so that it is handled by the consumer in case of emergencies.
MediBloc Tokens
This platform has two tokens Medi Token (MED) and Medi Point (MP).
Medi Token (MED) has a monetary value, can be used between the platform users in the exchange of information, transferences and another service, in addition may be used as method payment. This token is received in return when patient choose to share his data with researches, helping them to make importants discoveries.
Use Cases
Personal Health Report
With MediBloc, patiens can have complete record and control medical history. Being able to compare the results of differents tests token in differentes moments, keeping track of their own body healthcare. Each user can have record of medical procedures were took place in the hospital, including the exactly name and ingredients of the medications and with its respectives side effects.
Automatic Insurance Claim
After the user receives a treatment or a medical examination, the billing information will be transmitted to the insurers automatically, creating invoices through smart contracts. Patients will not need to submit a claim to the insurance company posttreatment.
Patients can choose sell (in MEDs) their medical histories data to companies or research organizations, helping them to make important discoveries contributing to the development of medicine, all this through the Mediblog market section. By the way, users will know the value of their information, which will encourage them to continue contributing to the platform.
Artificial Intelligent
Using data from patients medical records, will be possible prescribe diagnoses, predict prognosis or recommending treatments using applications in artificial intelligence adapted to the medical history of these patients.
Clinical Trial
MediBloc can be used as a platform for clinical research in medical research institutes and pharmaceutical companies, using data from the medical history of reistered patients.
24/7 Services
Social Networking Service
MediBloc will create a social network especially for patients suffering from rare diseases, they can communicate with each other and share information on any subject of their disease. Also, doctors and researchers can integrate into communities and learn more about their patients' experiences.
Mediblog represents a true breaktrohught in health care, it is a platform with multiple benefits which we conclude in the following way:
1. Impact on people
Undoubtedly, a very positive impact is achieved since all the information would be organized and within the reach of a click, which minimizes the risk of losing data and generating an incomplete or erroneous diagnosis due to the lack of any detail. It also eliminates the chain of intermediaries and the number of people who have access to the patient's health information, increasing safety.
Each person can track their health conditions at any time and make the decisions they have to make for their well-being, and you can get an incentive if you decide to share this with researchers.
2. Impact in the fields of medicine, insurance and research.
It affects in a positive way, since there would be a database available (prior permission from the patient / who will have an economic and social incentive to share information.) Medicine would have real data for research anywhere in the world, at any time and in real time. .
Insurers would also benefit by increasing their efficiency and control of their resources, reducing fraud by a large percentage thanks to blockchain technology, which also reduces the printing of invoices and reports due to automation, which contributes to the environment.
3. Effects of Partnerships
When an association is signed, the doctors and patients of that company will take advantage of the Mediblog platform, providing the medical history and the cases that will feed the ecosystem database, which in turn receives the support of each partner and offers more organized information considering the records of each patient. With this, research is advanced and better patient-centered medical care can be provided.
These associations form an increasingly solid base with which the platform can compete in the blockchain technology market.
4. Storage in the Block Chain Vs Traditional Storage Methods
The storage of data in the block chain exceeds the traditional methods in several aspects are listed below:
Patient-Centered Medical Care Information System
MediBloc Team
Road Map
MediBloc Team
If you want to know more about MediBloc, you can visit the websites listed below:
MediBloc Website
MediBloc WhitePaper (ENG)
MediBloc FAQ
MediBloc Medium
MediBloc Twitter
MediBloc Facebook
MediBloc Github
MediBloc Telegram
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@soyjohancy more articles will be?
Wow, you have worked a lot, it seems like you really want to win that contest!
Nice entry, @soyjohancy..... Hope to see you close to the top.