Do you want simple exchange? Why not try OnepageX
Exchanging Cryptocurrencies is an inevitable act for users of digital currencies. Many sites have been built for the convert and exchange of digital currencies where several terms and conditions of most exchange site are quite inconvenient for users. These inconveniences results from the outrageous fees attached for exchange, the fact that a sign up to have an account before you make an exchange as being compulsory is time consuming and also, the numbers of crytos that are compatible with these exchange site are over limited to users who have ranges of cryptos. Nevertheless, these challenges can be briefly outlined below:
Inconveniences experienced in exchange sites
Limited cryptos selection: this is one difficulty experienced by users of several cryptos. They have numerous accounts with different exchange site because of their limit in choosing varieties of cryptocurrencies for convert or exchange. This makes the whole system slow because of the time consumed in signing in into different site in order to make just a transaction.
Registration that complicates the whole processes: it is no news that before you can exchange cryptos in an exchange site, it is mandatory you must register before carrying out any transactions. This aspect of registration makes new users experience complexity in dealing with Cryptos due to the whole procedures attached.
High fees attached: this is one common challenge experienced by most users. The fees incurred in just perfoming a simple transactions.
Notwithstanding, these challenges is being solved by an exchange site know as OnepageX which allows users to covert cryptos without registering.
What is OnepageX?
OnepageX is a platform that allows people to convert cryptos or do an exchange at a very simple interface. This platform criteria is only to provide users wallet address for withdrawals, outside this information, no other information about yourself for registration is needed. Users don't need to register rather they go through the link or URL given to them to connect back to the system with their very own transaction records. Also, OnepageX accepts several cryptos and allow them to be operated on just its single page.
The major goal of this platform is to make sure exchange is very simple for users to enjoy..
Benefits of OnepageX
These benefits solves the challenges faced by most exchange sites. These benefits are:
Availability of over 140 Cryptocurrencies: like I explained earlier, the setback involved in most crypto exchange is their limited number of cryptos that can be used for exchange. Well, OnepageX offers the liberty for the use of over a high numbers of cryptocurrencies and hopefully Steem would be launched too on the platform. source
Ability of OnepageX to run several exchange activities on just one page: OnepageX has the ability to run exchanges with different digital currencies on just a page. The stress involving opening several accounts for just a transaction is eliminated by this attribute possessed by OnepageX.
0.5% fee is being charged: the fees charged by OnepageX is not outrageous. It is very affordable for crypto users and will also encourage new Crypto users to become encouraged.
Offers cryptos at Best Price: OnepageX integrates with other exchange sites in order to get best prices for which cryptos can be exchange in the platform.
OnepageX transactions are very simple and fast: the vision of this platform is to make exchange simple in its running. Due to its simplicity, exchanging and converting cryptos are made easy where the complexity of registration is eliminated. This makes it fast and easy for a transaction to be completed..
OnepageX Goals
OnepageX is a platform that was recently launched and this platform is gradually implementing new systems that enables it to function at a wide range. OnepageX is set to launch the use more Cryptocurrency especially steem. Another goal of Onepage is to make the platform simpler for exchange and convert of cryptocurrencies which allows the exchange to perform several transactions..
Use Cases
1)Mr Tobi finally got involved into Cryptocurrencies but he is experiencing Complexity in just converting Cryptocurrencies where his quest for a site that will accept and exchange varieties of cryptos became paramount for him. Until he found out about OnepageX that accepts his currencies and easily convert them for him..
In summary, OnepageX is a platform that allows transactions and exchange of cryptos easier through the means of being anonymously created and also, the functional ability for varieties of cryptos to be exchange on the site. The major goal is to allow users experience a smooth and simple means for exchanging.
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