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RE: The Harvested Bodies of 700 Children Discovered in Malaysia - DynCorp Harvest / George Webb - Day 122

in #organharvesting8 years ago

DISINFO! Ghouta fake massacre was an psyop to establish in west peoples minds the crossing of obamas redline to invade the
Kids from Syrian gov supporting members were abducted killed and frozen to conveniently been shown to the west media as
evidence of the use of chemical weapons.
This post mixes fake news with Webbs legit info in the way that classic intoxication or disinfo has all times being produced and
disseminated as propaganda.
I redflag this post as it dangerously crosses the line between truth and wartime propaganda.


I updated the post 10 minutes ago when it was brought to my attention that the 2 sites I sourced had also retracted their stories. I should have done a better job researching the facts here, my intention was not to mislead or post disinfo, it was a mistake.

It is understandable that this horrible pictures can produce a lot of readers and resteems. This is due to the progressive insensitiveness promoted by the west exporting of toxic
techno-pornography by media and Hollywood.
It is also clear that sometimes the use of gruesome and shocking content is necessary to wake up the lobotomized western population but the west wars counterintelligence does the same as this Goutha story is a clear example of the same and there are many others.... It's done to go straight to the emotions and feelings of the masses rather than to the analytical part of their minds.
Engaging your work in that slippery path, without an exquisite choice of information
contents, will only have opposite effects to honorable intentions as yours.
I strongly recommend anyone concerned with the Harvest to create an infograph clearly
explaining George Webb's hints about the parallelism of Chicago's cattle slaughterhouse
industry and the Human-Harvest process's top-down directors and executioners to terminate the influence of opposition and activism to the Fortune 500 corporations and local elites in those countries to be invaded by secret and non-secret armies to be pillaged and so advance the imperial enslavement agenda.