Take time to enjoy the diversity and beauty of orchids and their flowers...
As an orchid hobbyist, I grow orchids in my backyard in San Francisco - some outdoors but most in a small greenhouse.
Here I share some thoughts and pictures, and welcome you sharing yours too.
This is my backyard greenhouse where I grow mostly orchids... what kind you ask?
Bulbophyllum - like this medusae species:
Vandaceous ("Vanda-like") orchids like this Ascocenda:
Ascocenda 'Somsri Nugget'.JPG
This cirrhopetalum is in the bulbophyllum family but has the flowers in a circular chain - this one is from Borneo:
Another "fascinating" bulbophyllum with bring purple color and fringe hairs that move - the species name is "fascinator" -
This orchid is "Dracula vampira 'Angelic'" - it has little fang like appendages next to it's mobile tongue-like lip (so many mouth parts on a plant - who knew) - the better to hanlde unsuspecting insect pollinators?
Here you can see blooms inside the greenhouse on a big purple vanda and a Laelia anceps (from Mexico I think) -
Ohhh Hello! :D
I love orchids! I don't have any Bulbophyllum. I am afraid of the smell since I keep all my orchids in the house. But I'd steal that Laelia from you :)
Welcome to Steemit! I hope to see more of your plants :)
More pictures -

Laelia anceps var coerulea 'Fort Caroline' -
and a favorite - Laeliocattleya Love Knot 'Blue Star'