Oracle-D guidelines - Please read if you want to be part of this

in #oracle-d6 years ago

oracle-D introduction and basic guidelines.jpg

Hello everyone.

As you may be aware, we have kicked off the @oracle-D programme with our first client. To let you know we are in negotiations with a number of clients at the moment to provide services on the blockchain for them, and I wanted to give a brief bit of guidance on what Oracle-D is, how it works, how you can benefit and what the rules are.

What is oracle-D?

Oracle-D is a new venture headed up by @starkerz and @anarcotech, along with a very talented dev team.

What we do is create relationships with clients who want to leverage the power of the communities on the STEEM blockchain to encourage real world activities. These could be anything and everything, and the number of applications we can use this model for is vast.

Examples of activities we are dealing with at the moment:

  • ICO/Company/Product reviews - give your opinion on these.
  • Join a community - perform a specific task or series of tasks
  • Create content - create content around a specific area
  • Participate in something fun - maybe get paid to play computer games
  • Do some activity on social media - for example push a series of posts out onto twitter/facebook etc.
  • Get involved in humaitarian work - get paid to help people.

And literally loads of other projects, too many to mention here!

Why have we put this together?

@ned talked about getting 100,000+ businesses on the blockchain in the next few years. We are simply responding to this, and thinking about the STEEM blockchain as a way to encourage real world activities, whether they be commerical, humanitarian, educational, promotional or otherwise.

We have done this because we want to see the STEEM blockchain rewards system being used to pay people for CHOOSING to be involved in projects which have a benefit in the real world. It fits nicely with our ideology of encouraging people to be voluntaryists, and getting paid for doing things purposefully and adding value.

It ultimately is a way of creating small task based activities for people who want to participate. Some things may be of interest to you, and others won't. Feel free to get involved where it is appropriate to you!

But make no mistake, this is NOT a way to make a quick buck without you putting something of value in!!! Just like in the real world, you don't take a job and not do any of the work (unless you want to get fired that is!). This is the same. People who provide quality will get well rewarded. People who don't, well they won't!!!

How does this help you?

Ultimately, we are bringing new investment into the blockchain. This means those people who want to earn more rewards are encouraged to participate in the activities. It doesn't matter whether you are a newbie or a Steem giant. Anyone and everyone can get involved, and there will be so many projects that there is going to be no shortage of things you can get stuck into.

People who follow the guidelines of each project will be rewarded using the large STEEM pots we encourage each client to bring in. Although each client is different, we expect each of them to put sizable amounts in, so we can reward engaged users well.

As far as we are concerned, for people who interact well, there is no limit to the earning potential.

General guidelines

Clients are expecting high quality. If all they see is low quality, they will (quite rightly) pull their projects, and that will be the end of it... If you want to be part of this, you need to be prepared to be professional and put the energy in.

We will also be bringing in our own reputational system, so that people who regularly participate in Oracle-D project, and who maintain a high standard of work will be more highly rewarded. More about that to come.

How it works

We will publish a scope to the @oracle-D account. If you want to get rewarded for getting involved, you should follow this account. We will eventually be publishing a list of available projects on our website too.

If you find something you'd like to get involved in, you should read the projects guidelines, and follow them as closely as you can. Once guidelines are posted, you can just get on with the work. There is no need to register or anything (unless the guidelines specifically tell you that you need to).

Once you have submitted your work, using the correct tags (which will be given in the project guidelines) then the work will be reviewed by the Oracles. These will be trusted people who will effectively decide whether you have met the guidelines, and who will rate the quality of the work. The reward you receive will be determined by the quality of your work.

Great posts, which are unique, useful and insightful will normally get the the biggest rewards.
Average quality posts will get a smaller reward, but will still get well rewarded.
Poor quality posts are unlikely to get rewarded.
Spammy/Scammy posts will get the user blacklisted (see below for what this means)

Each user will also be assigned an oracle-D reputation, which will increase or decrease depending on your submissions. The top users with the best reputations will likely gain additional benefits as well as getting rewarded the most.

Each project will normally also have an appointed Community Manager. The community manager will be the one who deals with any issues and provide support to the Oracles, as well as liasing with the management team and the client.

The key is this...Only QUALITY WILL COUNT! Your wallet size, steem reputation or how long you have been here will have nothing to do with it.

Warning for Spammers and Scammers - You will be blacklisted!!!

People who attempt to game the system will be blacklisted by the oracles from being able to participate in future. Initially, people will be blacklisted for a period of time (perhaps a month), but repeat offenders will be blacklisted FOREVER. Make no mistake, we are absolutely serious about this, and have already built the blacklist system, and there is absolutely NO WAY that low quality/plagiarised or spammy submissions will be paid out.

We are mindful of the fact that our clients are investing often very large sums into their project, and they expect quality results. If you are trying to make a fast buck for little effort, this is probably not for you. If you are prepared to put a reasonable amount of energy into your work, you will be well rewarded. Simple really...!

Examples of gaming the system include:

  • taking someone elses post, running it through a translator and posting it as your own.
  • copying chunks of someone elses post
  • writing posts which are nothing to do with the task.
  • attempting to bribe oracles or doing something which is not in the spirit of the project
  • using bots to create lots of submissions, or opening tons of accounts to try to game the system. Anyone who does this, and who gets found out will be blacklisted forever!
  • pretending you've done some activity when you haven't!
  • posting the same content over and over again.

About Oracles

It is up to the client how they want to deploy their Oracles. Some may wish to use their own team as Oracles, and some may want us to appoint them from the community. Some projects may even use automated oracles. We will soon begin to develop teams of Oracles, who will be trusted people from the community who have a track record of quality curation and reviewing. Oracles will be paid for their time and efforts.

Oracles will have their own dashboard which will make it dead easy for them to curate and review work on each project.

We will very soon be releasing a post about how to become an oracle for those who are interested.

Being a professional content creator: Do's and Don'ts

  • Rule number 1: ALWAYS READ THE GUIDELINES FULLY and keep to them!!! If you don't you are unlikely to get an upvote from the project.

  • when you are submitting work, think about it as a commercial blog. What we don't want is "thanks to @anarcotech for putting this out" or anything like that. Imagine you are a professional content writer.

  • Don't relate the project to how it will help steemians or steem.

  • Don't be political, religious or offensive. There is a time and a place for these things, and it isn't here. People who violate this may get blacklisted.

  • Don't use bidbots to try to get your post seen more. It won't make a blind bit of difference to how well rewarded you will get. I'll say it again...ONLY QUALITY WILL COUNT!!!

  • Don't promote your own products or services in posts. Keep it professional, and be mindful of who is providing the STEEM to generate the rewards. (the client)

  • If you want to post a criticism, maybe because you've found a flaw in something you might be reviewing, that's ok, but write it in a positive way. Don't go slagging the client off, perhaps be diplomatic. It might be that clients need to be told about a problem, but you can do this in a positive way as constructive criticism.

  • Unless specified in the guidelines, you might be able to make multiple postings on a project. For example, you might want to split a long review into two or even three posts. But be sensible with it, and don't get blacklisted for putting stupid amounts of low quality work out.

  • If you want to put a short paragraph at the bottom about who you are as a reviewer (maybe something like "I am a computer engineer from the UK with a love of Tea, Gaming and Driving fast cars") then this is also ok unless it is specifically prohibited in the guidelines.

  • If you are writing in a language other than English, this is absolutely fine, but you may want to use your final tag to note the language. It also helps if you can translate into English too, but this is not essential (unless specified in the guidelines).

  • Although there are synergies with promo-steem, oracle-D is NOT part of promo-steem. These are two different projects.

Asking questions

There are so many things we are dealing with at the moment, and let me tell you we are literally working flat out to make all this happen. This means we are building the community managers, appointing oracles, negotiating with clients and designing and deploying the tech all at the same time. So please understand we are somewhat busy,but we are very keen to ensure that we can answer any and all questions.

If you have a question about a project, come and join us on Discord.

You can join the @oracle-d channel by clicking here

Finally, just to remind you that these guidelines are quite general. We will be releasing clear specifics that the Community Managers and Oracles will follow.

Thanks everyone, I know this has been a pretty long post, so thanks for reading.

With good community engagement, we have the opportunity to bring a lot of new investment into the blockchain that benefits EVERYONE!!!

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@anarcotech sometime when i checked projects on steemit, i beginning to think what will be the gain of this guys due to time factor in relation to what comes back to them if at all profit. The point is, its takes selfless mind individual to think of what will benefit others. I love this project and is a go for me. Well done buddy.

Great intro @anarcotech. You peeps are putting so much of effort in making this possible. I am really excited about this and ready with my horses to ride with you guys :D Closely following each and everything that is happening here with @oracle-d and aiming to contribute with High Quality content. Guidelines are crystal clear to me and I swear to go by rules. :)

I know you will. I hope others follow suit. But even if they don't.....the blacklist SPAMHAMMER will get them!

Our desire has been to add massive value to the blockchain by bringing external investment in. This will just grow the platform, the price of STEEM, the utility of the blockchain and create real valuable work for people who choose to be involved.

I particularly think people in the developing world will benefit massively from these programmes, and I personally hope that they do.

Yes they will be able to do so. You have proved it with #promo-steem. Now the stakes are much higher. :-)

Btw I really like the name SPAMHAMMER. ;)

You can also the use the blacklists available by other services like @buildawhale created by @themarkymark on Steem and blacklist such accounts even before you kick-off.

Thanks MarkyMark 😮 That was really fast. Cheers for doing such hard work! Really appreciate it.

Thank you. This i'm sure will be useful! Great work @themarkymark!

Wow, wow! This is genius... This will be a game changer for a lot of people. I appreciate this imitiative and will keep getting involved the best way i can.

Good to hear, i'm so glad you are keen to get involved!

This means we are building the community managers, appointing oracles, negotiating with clients and designing and deploying the tech all at the same time.
Its really a hell of a job you are performing, I wish it helps steem to achieve new boundaries. Best of luck.

Just a bit! We have been working on this for some months now, and launched the idea on the world just a couple of weeks ago. If we told you that @starkerz and myself, as well as our brilliant tech team have been working pretty much around the clock since then, it would still be an understatement.

The number and quality of clients we are bringing in is quite astonishing really. We are talking to some of the worlds biggest ICO's at the moment, who recognise the value of what the STEEM community can bring. Its a massive win-win situation for everyone.

I really appreciate what you and @starkerz are doing for the platform

Very interested.i am also constructing a business onboarding service and have been curating for communities/tags. Could be a great potential for leveraging/pooling resources here.

I think so too. Maybe we could schedule a conference call? @starkerz

Agreed. Almost back from traveling to NYC for the DLive Meetup. Should be flexible today timewise.

Sorry, the evening ran away with us here. Lets hook up on discord and figure something out.

Im ree most the day tomorrow

Hi @anarcotech, I have read the contents of your post and have made a post.

I saw your post. If you would like to translate the whole of this post into Indonesian, that would be fantastic! Thank you

May I translate your post into indonesian language.

This is fabulous. I had just told @starkerz about the situation in my country, and that with a work team we will go out to distribute meals, we want to give what we receive!

@milagros, this is one of our ideologies. We believe that people who live in countries where the average salary is relatively low have an opportunity to build their own microbusinesses. And this is part of what is driving us. We want to create meaningful work, totally transparent, on the blockchain and which creates real value for everyone!

To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvote this reply.

This is a great post @anarcotech. I love this project. Will always support you and @Starkerz coz you have steem at heart. The guidelines are as clear as crystal. Lemme know where I can get involved. Cheers!

I'm certain you will be a big part of it my friend (if you want to be of course!)

Thanks @nairadaddy, we wil be buiding an interface into which you can simply log in and go choose to write for or curate on projects that you care about!, this is a bit more medium term, but will really revolutionize curation, witting,client management and reputations on the steem blockchain, along with earning potential!

Awesome!! this is the true power of what communities can do. I am very excited to see how this folds out. Great job @starkerz and @anarcotech!

Thanks @futurethinker. We really believe in the power of communities to make exceptional things happen!