Question Everything

in #opinion7 years ago


Before you make your conclusion and assumptions always ask and question everything and anything...

What they are telling you may not be the TRUTH.

Think again...

The two most significant wars ever fought by mankind, world war 1& 2 was fought based on propaganda.

And yet plenty people died ignorantly...

How are you sure that Korea or Iran REALLY owns Nuclear weapon's?

Don't you think they are beating up another propaganda for war?

Is the war on TERROR not a Joke? Who is funding and supplying these terrorist the weapons they are using?

And yet innocent people die on daily bases due to terrorism

Who told you vaccines prevents and cures diseases?

You think all these new epidemics: bird flue, Zika, Ebola and the rest are natural?

Always question what they tell you in the media. We all have a mind to think, watch and study for ourselves...

Are there people who still believe what they show on TV in 2018?

Let's be wise.

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. (Matt 10:16)

[Image: according to T]