Kaepernick Kneels...Issues still unresolved...

in #opinion9 years ago

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(See my past post for beginning story about NFL 49ers Colin Kaepernick kneeling during National Anthem)

Since Kaepernick knelt down to raise an awareness to excessive police force, or brutality if you will. I find it distracting that the NFL has decided to fan the flames of anti-militarism.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goddell spoke on Kaepernick decision to kneel.

"Well my personal thoughts are... I support our players when they want to see change in society, and we don't live in a perfect society. We live in an imperfect society. On the other hand, we believe very strongly in patriotism in the NFL. I personally believe very strongly in that. I think it's important to have respect for our country, for our flag, for the people who make our country better; for law enforcement, and for our military who are out fighting for our freedoms and our ideals.

Why would Roger not defend the military considering they a source of revenue.

I still don't get how killing threats around the globe is somehow related to a sport of moving a ball up and down a field??

But Kaepernick sole reason for taking a stand is to resolve issues as such...

On the morning of May 19, news spread that there had been another victim gunned down by police in San Francisco. Jessica Williams — a twenty-nine-year-old Black woman who might have been pregnant — was shot and killed after a police chase in the Bayview District. Police claim the car was stolen but no rationale has been offered as to why exactly SFPD chose to shoot her down while she sat in her car after it crashed. She was unarmed.

Sadly this is still pending investigation and I doubt charges will be filed.

Look for more updates on this issue and by the way fuck Roger Goddell.
