Colin Kaepernick - True Courage

in #opinion8 years ago

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Yes, I’ll continue to sit. I’m going to continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed. To me this is something that has to change. When there’s significant change and I feel like that flag represents what it’s supposed to represent, and this country is representing people the way that it’s supposed to, I’ll stand.”

Colin Kaepernick played tonight and looked vastly improved. He tuned out the boos and shown that he can still play at a high level. I'll go so far as to say that he will start at some point this season. But all eyes were on if he would stand for National Anthem on military night in San Diego. He decided to kneel.

I think that too many Americans are buying into the NFL/media narrative portraying Kaep as "unpatriotic", "anti-military", and a "traitor", which further fuel divisions based on race.

He has no respect for our country,” one team executive said of Kaepernick, according to Bleacher Report. “F— that guy.”

I believe that Kaep, like many Black Americans, including myself are tired of police brutality. Using your first amendment right to question whether our National Anthem's values apply to Black American's in my opinion, is truly American.

Last night Kaep was joined by his teammate Eric Reid who also knelt and later they both also applauded the military.

He is also donating $1 million dollars to charitable organizations.

To those that think that Kaep is still un-american read what some veterans think as they pledged a letter of support.

I look forward to more NFL players joining Kaep to protest police aggression.

Check back for more updates.



i don't care either way. it is just bs narrative crap to distract us from real problems.

Would you care to share some of the other real problems?

why aren't we allowed to know what's in our food? why does the state, which ostensibly works for us now act like it owns us? if we own ourselves, why are vaccine mandates being pushed? if courts are no longer recognizing natural rights, unalienable rights, doesn't that make us all slaves? whether some sportsball player sits down or stands up if there is a song playing or not, who cares? except people who have lost the plot entirely. there are millions of things more important than what some entitled over-privileged, overgrown child thinks is important. so, start with gmos, industrial poisons in our food, water and air. when the numbers of people dying from those begin to resemble the tiny pittance of people, what is it, in the hundreds? (mostly actual criminals) then maybe let's spend some time talking about this. hell medical mistakes and properly prescribed pharmaceuticals kills thousands of times more every year.

I agree with all those problems are greater than Kaep but I'm not sure how many people like yourself and I are in the know. No doubt about the food, it's disturbing. I'll be posting some food posts in the next couple days. Worse yet, not sure if you remember how Obama Administration quietly raised the limit for pesticides some years back. I didn't even know that was possible. A water posts will also follow. Glad to know you share the same concerns.

good to be on the same page. every president in my memory has done such things.
obama also signed the dark act, which keeps We the People from knowing what gmos are in our food. just keep telling people who don't know about the things that are important to do now. i do believe that state violence against the people is important but, it takes many forms. from police shootings to prison deaths to CPS negligence and more. it is not just minorities. there was a study done that said the state killed 262 million people worldwide in the 20th century. not even including wars. we have big problems to address. i'm just trying to figure out what is worst, and most readily fixable, first. thanks.