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RE: Meet Julia and Mike - Neuro-Marketing for the Homeless , Advertising for Compassion

in #ophumanangels7 years ago

Unelected agencies are terrifying to me. Last year I encountered information about the racket that is CPS. Made my hair stand on end.

I'm glad your sign drew in help for Julia!

At one point we lived in our minivan... Just the two of us. The part that gets old is constantly being in the public eye. I can't imagine 4 disabled adults managing their way through this routine.

I will admit, if we get a chance, we would probably be happy in a van. If we got to have lots of money this time. Money solves a lot of issues. Including down time away from the public.


I agree. I've run a missing children's site for a number of years, and I've heard all sorts of horror stories about CPS, but when Mike told me what had happened, I was shocked. That was a first, CPS taking away children because mom is now in a wheelchair. It is ridiculousness beyond comprehension. Have you seen the posts by @familyprotection ? I meant to tag them in this, they are an awesome group, doing what they can to help those in need of protection. I think together, we can turn this around.

Whether or not the sign made any difference, I don't know. I'd like to think that seeing a woman in a wheelchair begging for money in the middle of the street is enough to make anyone stop and help, with or without a sign. That doesn't seem to be the case here in OKC, as I see the same people in wheelchairs, over and over again. They are for real, too. I just hope i live to see the day when we all wake up and realize that we are all in this together. The day we all have that "Aha!" moment....that when one person does better, we all do better, by extension. That is one of the reasons I love Steemit. Our whole world should be a win/win.

You are right about money, too. It does solve a lot of problems. Or so I hear. LOL