#OpHumanAngels: Angeling the Angels!

You guys! @phoenixwren pointed out yesterday that this week is Random Acts of Kindness Week. That's right, a whole week to celebrate acts of kindness! I know we do that everyday around here, but it's fun to have a holiday. haha!
I am going to attempt to do an act of kindness every day this week. Can't promise it'll happen, but I'm gonna try!
Now, on to today's mission! As some of you have no doubt noticed, I have leased myself some steem power. And I love to use it! (And no, not on myself. Although I do upvote my own posts, I keep it to less than 20% per week. The rest goes to all of you.) I love nothing more than finding content that I enjoy and being able to compensate the writer for thier effort.
But sometimes..sometimes you find an article or two that stand out. That deserve more than I can give at 100% upvote. Like today. 2 posts today really touched me in different ways and I wanted to go above and beyond for them because they are amazing #ophumanangels rockstars. Both are fairly new to the tag, but have been doing outstanding things. I hope you'll all go visit thier blogs.
First, @lidiasteem. This was an #ophumanangels post that was super fun and creative. She bought bananas to give to the monkeys alongside the road on her travels. I just loved it. Click the pic to read her post.
I decided to use the @treeplanter vote bot to give this post a little extra love. And we helped pay for some trees to be planted! Yay! Double win!
Then there was @hickorymack and her post about the difficulty of finding water and restrooms to use while she and her children were homeless. This one broke my heart. But fear not dear readers! She shared wonderful news the other day that she has acquired housing and won't have to stay in the shelter with her children anymore. Please go check out her blog, let's show her that Steemit loves her.
Sprinkled a little more @treeplanter love over this post as well. We planted more trees! Yay!
Well done both of you! Much love to you and your families! Keep writing, keep dreaming and reaching! You are both amazing individuals and I hope my post reflects how much love I have for our #ophumanangels family. Love and light, thanks for reading!
Dear khackett! Allow me to disturb you once again. (Don't know an other way but a post here. And I guess this is off-topic. Sorry for that.) Steemit get's much more interesting to me, thanks to your goodness! Thank you again for your kindness and your pardon! I have learned something from you. Other people would not be as kind as you are.
Had a long day, too much coffee, hectic. Somebody had told me, that I should flag spam at Steemit, if I see one. Me stupid did not even see your upvote first. How bad can I get ... strange ...
(btw: am not an english native speaker. excuse my bad English)
Main thing I learned from you is, that there are ways to help people, that I do not even know and that I will have to learn. I will have to read in detail how Steemit works. I will need much more steempower to help people like the hickorymack family via this interesting channel. I will have to buy much more STEEM. I don't even know how to send Steempower to people, who I want to support. Don't mind, I will learn that! And I will buy more STEEM instead of downpowering or so.
Hickorymack is a very talented writer. It is a very sad thing, that millions of families in USA have to live under very bad conditions. To be honest, I think that the Obama-regime was one of the badest things, that could happen to the once free American people. More and more people of a once great nation turned into supplicants of the socialist state. Everything for the money-makers of the FED and their gangs, nothing for the poor and those with bad preconditions. I guess, the US-Dollar will fail during few years. One should prepare for this. Maybe with silver and gold, maybe with Bitcoin.
Your very kind reply means much too much. Thank you again. I will follow your channel, to learn more about your social work for homeless American families and to support them. I still don't understand this Steemit and thought of some bad aspects earlier. But if it is possible to support talented families like hickorymacks, it is a great thing! It sure is better to use STEEM than US-Dollars. A wire transfer to USA would be good for the banks. This way I learn to appreciate STEEM. Could not think of any real world use earlier.
I understand, that I behaved like an elephant in the china shop and have to learn the principles of Steemit first.
For you, I have searched my photo archive for a very nice flower. I hope you like it. I have photographed it on the island of La Palma, at the beach in Los Cancachos.
p.s.: You support Cannabis legalization. Great! Me too! It is a sad thing, that USA suppressed this very important medicinal herb throughout decades and worldwide. Think of the desasterous Agent Orange operation, that caused the big famine in Bangladesh, because USA wanted to destroy all cannabis plants in that land. Bangladesh btw means hemp country.
Another flower for you, dear supporter of the hemp plant:

I appreciate your genuine and thoughtful comment. This is what I love about Steemit, and you'll see as you're here for a while, that people can disagree, but ultimately work out their differences and help each other learn. I can see how the treeplanter comment looked kind of spammy, it has a graphic that's a little too large for a comment, but the concept of the bot is very cool. You can only upvote others with it, and every $1 pays for planting a tree! It's an easy mistake to make thinking it to be spam.
Your other comments didn't sit well with me and I probably should have voiced my opinion rather than flag you, but honestly I had a shit morning and was cranky. Your comment about Obama and Trump rubbed me the wrong way and here's why..
Americans have never been free. None of us truly have. We appear to be spoiled mindless consumerists and many believe that it's the fault of the government. It's not. We let ourselves be brainwashed into thinking this way. Steemit community proves that to me. When we the people of the world control the creation and distrubution of money, it changes our focus from trying to grab the most money for ourselves and encourages us to help others. Maybe not all of us have quite come that realization yet, there are certainly some here on steemit that only want the most money. But with time that may change.
There are certainly some "steemit etiquette" things that nobody really talks about when you sign up. One of those is telling someone how or what to vote for. Your other comment about how she should vote more was I believe well intended, but it might have been better left unsaid. She is a busy mom transitioning to a new home after a tough time in her life. She makes time to write and her posts are always top notch, but that may be all she has time for in a day on steemit. I spend roughly 8 hours a day on steemit. Either writing my own posts, responding to comments, upvoting good content, curating, etc. But I have that luxury. She doesn't. So that's why I flagged those comments.
I felt I owed you an explanation after your sincere apologies, which I of course accept and I hope there's no hard feelings. I do offer a fun contest on my blog everyday that I encourage you to participate in. It's a random challenge everyday, sometimes easy like today is share your favorite song and tell what it means to you. Sometimes they're harder, but it might be a good way for you to practice english more. Even though your english is actually very good, I understood you fine. 😀
And smoke on my friend! I love both the pictures you posted, but the ganja flower is my favorite. So pretty. 😍
Wow, too awesome, my friend! Your generosity is enormous. Two very deserving people to be the recipients! 💙
ooohhh, so this is RAOK week! That's an awesome idea.
I have already brewed a different kind of RAOK for tomorrow. Hope it will be successful. Will keep you posted hihihi 😁
I can't wait to see it!
@lyndabowes -- it's nothing fancy and quite a fail hehe... I'm supposed to make a post about it, but since it did not panned out as planned, it took away the excitement of making a post 😆
Basically, after reading the unique submission of @lidiasteem (the one with the monkeys and about being kind to animals), I've decided to try something different and thought of offering free WiFi at the office pantry. I'm not sure about other countries but Philippines has a sort of negative reputation when it comes to internet services (mostly about slow connection and being expensive).
So what I did is packed in 5GB of data to my phone and made it a hotspot. The name of the hotspot is "FreeWifiToday". I did not put in a password so it would be accessible to people in the pantry.
For it to get noticed, I told my mate that a WiFi connection without security (password) is available. It quickly spread and all slots have been filled.
Unfortunately, everyone was so eager to get connected that no one paid special attention to the WiFi's name 😂
Oh well, have to admit that I did not think it through 😅
I like how you jumped the ass of that tool getting on @hickorymack. How dare they state spam when it is clearly her own work. Trying to comeback like shes new. Well ok, your new, dont go flinging poo at people trying to better themselves. Damn roach. ERRR that pisses me off.
It's all good. You know me, once I get my flags out, I never wanna put them away. 😜
Ooooh wow, what a beautiful showcase of two amazing Angels...well 3 because YOU <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I love your family, and all of your guys' huge hearts xoxoxo And Trees Too!! WOOOHHOOOOOO!!!!!! You rock the Op!!! And you're rockin RAK Week!!!!
Thank you @khackett. This is a good initiative. I've been following the posts of @hickorymack and yes, she needs help. As parents, it really breaks our heart to see people especially children being deprived of their basic rights.
Absolutely. ❤
She's got a new apartment yesterday. Great news indeed! Lots of Steemians responded to her needs. Thank you @steemit. ❤
Sometimes I wonder if some of us were cheated when the hearts were shared. You definitely got a much bigger heart than most. Keep up the good work!
I need to learn how to do stuff like this more often. You're an inspiration to a lot of people here. I joined steemit just for the money but recently, I have been getting a lot more out of it. Haven't even posted in a while but the daily inspirations I get from people like you to be a better person is just enough to keep be sane.
Thanks you @khackett this is the best sharing, I am very jealous of you because you are so kind and very caring for others, thanks you
Gahh! I made a huge mess of your beautiful post @hickorymack. Sorry! I was being cranky! lol