Weekly Discussion Thread! August 20, 2018

in #opgaming7 years ago

Hey there, it's @ddrfr33k. We're back again, coming at you with another weekly discussion forum. It's been a busy weekend for me, lots of stuff going on. And I mean it! It's actually the source of this week's theme. But what are you waiting for? Me to stop talking? Well, fine then!

This week's theme is:

Trying something new

okay I'll give it a try.gif

Tell us about trying a new game for the first time. Or, if that doesn't work for you, tell us about a time you tried a game you play a lot in a different way. Maybe you play one character all the time, and you tried a new character. How did it go? Did it work out? Did it fail miserably?

This topic was suggested by @ddrfr33k. We're always looking for new topics from our members. If you have an awesome idea for a discussion thread, we want to hear it! Drop by the @opgaming discord and drop it in the chat, put it in a comment on one of these threads, do what you gotta do to let us know about it. We just might include it and give you a shoutout!

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All MMORPG games. I tried them few times, and after gaining X-teen levels or more than 20 I started to get boring. there was a bunch of quest but games requires from being so much into this world that I fails in it easily being reverse-sucked. It feels for me like game want to force me to be focused only on this game and also be spending real cash this game maniac that I choose to stop playing.

You only gest quest like go there and gather 5 carrots ect. MMORPG games are not for me. I like games with good story but MMO have very loooong story and I can't fall in this type of story, it's to boring.

Also major problem is that I don't play MMO to play with people I wanna to be in world with living characters and face problems because of that, not interact to make friends.

I'know that I wanna create gaming content and I need to be social but in private I'm much more introvert type :D

That's rough when you want to get into a game, but can't. I understand how that goes.

Well, the most recent game I've tried is Dead cells, action platformer with some Castlevaniesque and souls style. The game itself was fun for the first couple of hours, it's full of secrets and the action never stops. However the game quickly turns into a grind and loses all of its charm, and the fact that higher difficulties cannot be completed unless using some very particular sets doesn't help much.

I guess when trying things out for the first time I have low expectations to avoid being disappointed, but I was honestly suprised the first time I played a tanky mage in Grim Dawn, lol... A mage tanking more than a full geared warrior.

I remember when I started competitive Pokemon, I would always use the same team of Porygon, Shuckle, Pinsir, Rhydon, Kingdra and Steelix. For the longest time I never really had interest in using other mons.
It wasn't until the release of Pokemon Sun and Moon when I decided to break out and try some of the newer ones.

Since then, I've also looked into some of the older mons as well! My most recent take is with Arbok. I never looked too far into Arbok until I looked up it's stats and movepool. Apparently, Arbok is underrated. Might not be top teir, but it actually got and attack buff in Sun and Moon. It has the ability Intimidate which lowers the opponents attack level, has a respectable attack and speed stat, and has a pretty good movepool! Poison types are a good asset for the current meta with all the Fairy types looming around, it gets Glare which insta paralizes the opponent, Sucker Punch for getting the first hit before the opponent, and even good coverage moves like Aqua Tail!

Another staple asset I have is Clefairy. It has the ability Friend Guard which increases the defense of partner Pokemon in double battles. It has a pretty wide movepool as well. Follow Me directs the opponents attention to Clefairy and away from it's partner, Moonlight which restores HP, and Thunder Wave! It's a very good assist Pokemon!