OP Gaming Weekly Discussion Thread: June 10, 2018
Hey there, it's @ddrfr33k. We're back again, coming at you with another weekly discussion forum. It's coming at you a little late, but that's the way these things go. Life happens, we get drunk, we forget, we have to work with a hangover... Like I said, life happens. We're still human, after all. But regardless, we're still @opgaming! We're TOO OP TO BE PUT DOWN! But what are you waiting for? Me to stop talking? Well, we got a little surprise for you.
This week's theme is:

Today's response comes from none other than...me! @ddrfr33k! No, really. I'm responding to this one.
Growing up, I really didn't have a ton of consoles. The only ones I really had were the ones I could scrape together enough cash to buy second hand (that didn't happen often...) or were given to me by my parents. So yeah, I rocked that Sega Genesis(Megadrive) for almost 6 years! But when it comes to my favorite platform overall, I would have to say the Sega Dreamcast takes the win on this one.

It was a console ahead of its time in so many ways, but it still gets a lot of love from the community. It's one of those consoles that has a lasting power to it. One of these days, I'll get back to collecting for it. There's so many titles out there I want to pick up...
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My favorite system is probably the Game Boy Advance. It was one of the first systems I ever owned. Plus, the original model fits sooooo perfectly in my hands!
Other than nostalgia, it also had a lot of ports/remakes of older SNES, NES, and even a few Sega and Playstation games! Most of these ports can be argued to be worse than their original counterparts. But dispite a couple restrictions and compromises due to the hardware they were on, I honestly think they play just as well as the originals! Plus, It's mainly how kids in my age were introduced to such classics like Yoshi's Island, Kirby's Adventure/Nightmare in Dream Land, and Super Mario Bros. 3 among others!
Another thing is that the GBA was also portable. It would take a couple years for the SP to come out so I actually had a back light so I could see what I was doing, but still.XD I have fond memories of playing the GBA while riding in the car. I even had this awesome carrier case that looked like a giant GBA that could hold the system and multiple games!
This is very true. The GBA was a fantastic little item, and rather revolutionary, too!
Of course my favorite console is the Sony PlayStation. Most expansive library of cutting edge (at the time) games of all kinds of genres. Great for collecting, great for playing, great all round
True that!
As quite a lot of people say and I will support that statement - PS1 would be the favorite one for me. Lately I've been doing reviews for certain years in gaming history and I can tell you that not only this is my favorite console because of the memories I have associated with it, but also because of the generally wide selection of games from various genres. Back then most gaming systems had some sort of a general "baseline" when it comes to the genres they release and promote.
My favorite console would be Playstaion 1 (yeah, I can say PS2 too because it can play PS1 games bu nostalgia plays a big role in why I love MY playstation.)
If I can choose handhelds it would be PSP in it's time (I only played my friend PSP for a while, and that made me really want my own, sadly the device's life ended before I could.)
Now, 3DS is my current favorite, which will most likely be beaten by Switch when I get one, as long as its future turns as I imagine. (and game freaks don't mess up the future of Pokemon!!)
While normally I would say SNES and that would be one, today I will say the original GameBoy. I played multiple games in the early - mid 90's a lot and when I heard Pokemon was coming out I would be waiting anxiously to be among the first to play it!
All of my most memorable games were on Playstation 2
Especially all the Japanese horror games, and JRPGS.
N64 comes in second. ;]
#OpGAMING , sorry I have been bad to my PlayStation lately and it has been ignored. I s playing H1Z1 a good way to make up with it? RESPECT
SNES is definitely the best for me. I played Nintendo and the first Playstation the most, but I get the most fuzzy feelings from the SNES games that came out. I think they were the most fun, still kind of weird like early NES games but with a formula that gave you solid hours and hours of entertainment. I also fell in love with it all over again when I discovered ROMS and got to play all the games I had never played before, including some great Japanese ones that were really delightful.
Super Nintendo. Too many cherished memories.
Playstation in all it's versions. I played my most memorable games on Sony's consoles.