
Are your wife and her friends coming to @aumsong's workshop in Corinth this weekend? The train from Athens goes to Loutraki, and the hotel is nice and inexpensive. Give her a weekend off!

if my wife come I have to come and my son , is it possible? i will speak with @alinak15...
can we drink a coffee, the time of seminars??? :)))

Your wife and son can stay in the same hotel room with your wife. And you and your son can do many things while the ladies are in their seminars. I will be around in Loutraki, but can come to Corinth too. It is just a 20 minute or less drive. I think that your family would find it a rewarding weekend!

Please do contact Alina!

you convinced me...I sent a comment to Alina to tell me some info and if she knows the cost of me... :))
but you wish me a coffee we will drink...I know my English is not good, but we will survive.. :)))))
also i send her my e-mail in order to sent me her phone so i can speak with her for the seminar...

Yes, we will try to get together with @liondani too.

I was talking to Alina and she said she was already working out details with you. Your family is going to have a great time (several posts worth lol).

Yesssss...I hope I'm not alone there
Also in the morning i send you 10 sbd because it was transferred to me by have already send me some min before the 10 sbd..

I spoke with alina and i sent you 26 sbd for the hotel and 1 day seminar..
It is to difficult to me but we will com
If we will can stay and all sunday.. l will tell it to alina...

@nikosnitza you will have an amazing time, you and your son can have fun adventures. While your wife gets to have some time for her which is absolutely essential for a healthy, thriving marriage! I deeply appreciate your courage to come dive into Bliss for the weekend.

Thank you very much...and from my wife you have thank you..

Yes, good times! Fun, will do.