2nd EXCLUSIVE STEEMIT OPEN MUSIC CONTEST - The Winner of 30 Steem and 15 Steem !!!

in #openmusic6 years ago (edited)


Hey guys,

within this post I am presenting to you the winner(s) of this weeks openmusic contest!

I also took some time to give at least some feedback to everyone who entered. And I really suggest that you listen to all of the entries, they are all absolutely worthable to be listened to. Unfortunately, again, there are not so few performances that are not doing quite as well regarding to the rules, a real shame because some had a chance of winning. But at least many of you also got a nice fat upvote from @curie and it's voting trail, hugh thanks for your upvotes!

Here are the entries from this week:



This is a wonderful original song, although I am not able to understand anything said within the lyrics, it transportes this very sensitive, longing and melancholic emotions. Verses are written very well, nice melodical climax and high memorability of the chorus. And of course you've got a well matching, outstanding voice! Only drawback is the unlovely ending (fade out)...



You've got a lovely voice, I was wondering if you made your performance right after getting up in the morning, sitting on your bed. It seems like you are holding back your voice in the chorus (perhaps not to wake up all the others that are still sleeping), there should definitely be more like loud chest voice but instead you're using falsetto all the time, which takes away of some drama that could make your performance not only lovely but great and even more exciting:)



What a great cover! This could be a song just played throughout a radiostation just like it is, very good recording quality (as you didn't mention I would have overseen a little white noise, which does only add a little more to the radio feel of it). Sung and played great, I am experiencing longing and wanderlust by listening to your performance. Unfortunately you are taking part in another contribution which is not allowed relating to the openmusic-rules.



This is unfortunately really miserable soundquality. I see that you are a wonderful musician, thank you for participating and I hope you get your issues with recording quality resolved.



Thank you for your unofficial entry, it sounds very good, great recording quality especially the voice (playback does not match the recording quality of voice, you could improve that)! Great voice, you could try out even more chest voice in the higher parts, also I think the timing is not always right and could be a little more laid back. Sounds a bit analytic that way, but it could be the accompaniment which is quarters all the time which is typical for pop songs but here takes away some dynamic feel at least for my ears. Please as you consider to make an official entry, the video must be uncut all from the beginning, it sometimes looks as if you recorded first and then took some footage that matches, but sometimes it lookes like it is like a playback performance (which I presume it is not).



Thanks again @jubei333, winner of the first contest, I think your entry is great, authentic and raw again, although in the meantime I get the sense that you are drinking a little bit too much :D



This is a wonderful weired performance of @gibber! I love it, especially the playing technique with the chicken egg and the guitar, I've never seen that before, very interesting, inspiring and and of course entertaining!



You've got a great voice and your performace is very professional! Only drawback is that it seems that you sometimes have to look sideways in oder to see your lyrics, that takes away some feeling!



This is the first hiphop entry to this contest. I hope I do it justice because I am not a speaker of the language you use. I think you did a pretty advanced rap including skills in rhiming and flowing. Also you show some skills in beatboxing, which you could use very easy to create a nice entertaining multiscreen performance where you can rap to your own beat literally! Besides that I think that sometimes you are (that's at least what I feel) behind the beat, perhaps one quarter or so, can not call that just laid back, but this could be your style of flowing, you would not be the first flowing far behind the beat so I won't blame you for that. What really draws back is both audio and video quality. Perhaps you consider buying some cheap laptop and a microfone like the sm58 or a condenser usb, don't need much, perhaps like 80 bucks for both and you are done. Camera around 100 bucks to achieve HD. Audacity will give you some great free sequencer and as video programm you can use shotcut or lightworks, both do well and are free of charge.



This is by far some of the best entries I've heard so far. Man, your voice is exceptionel, you are some really great and individual singer. Your Falsetto is clear like a trumpet. Mad you're blessed or you worked hard, however! Also you have a really authentic and great style of performance, not any aspect of show or arrogacy, just pure simplicity speaking all for itself- perfect. I must remind you here, that only if you did post your contribution within the valid time (cutoff was friday) you'd easily won this contest. Also you would do even better if you chose a better recording surrounding, where there are no noises from the background and a less boxy hall sound from the room. Anyways, chears for that great voice and great performance, made my day, you're a wonderful musician!



You're giving us nice guitar play and very nice sounding voice here, all presented in a very authentic and pleasent way! High tunes in the voice are sung very passionated and courageous, it is no drawback that some tunes are not 100% on point, or a bit flat sometimes. This is what it makes very sympahtic to me and I love to see you both play for this contest. Unfortunately you posted not in the valid time (cutoff was friday).

And now, finally, here are the winners:

1st place (30 Steem) goes to:



2nd place (15 Steem) goes to:



But we are not done yet, here is an additional 5 Steem winner, just because I love this performance so much and I can not go on without rewarding you:



So that's it for today, please stay tuned, I will do a post for the 3rd openmusic contest soon,

yours, @senzenfrenz



Wow I'm really honored to place in this contest! Thank you so much for running this contest @senzenfrenz and I have really enjoyed your performances in open mic over the last year and a half or so. Have a great week ;9)

Wow, what a nice surprise! I will take into account your suggestions. Thank you very much!!! :)

Hi! Thanks for your words, I really appreciate it!
Just a question I would like to clarify. I don't understand what you wanted to say here:

Unfortunately you are taking part in another contribution which is not allowed relating to the openmusic-rules.

I would like to explain it to me, please. Thank you!

Hey @orlandogonzalez,
you are taking part in two performances, your own one and the one of @esthersanchez. Only one entry per person is allowed.

Good day appreciated @senzenfrens.

First of all I want to congratulate the winners of this 2nd phase of the contest, my teammates @eugelys and @gibber. They made it excellent! Secondly, I would like to make an observation of the judgment issued regarding the double participation of @orlandogonzalez. According to your rules, to be a valid participation the participant had to say: " 2nd exclusive steemit openmusic plus the username" , among other things, which will appear later, from what I see. He never issued a word, in fact, we take care that his appearance in the video was "fleeting", precisely to avoid any problem. He was, like the many other times accompanying me. In the presentations that he accompanies me, unfortunately, we have not wanted to make a formal presentation of his presence in the videos to avoid dictatorships and it is now, that I don't know why, allusion is made to this. Finally, as advice, before making the next opening of the contest, please clarify the rules of the game in your head and then present them clearly and so, when you go to disqualify any participant have a better and real justification when issuing a judgment.
I wish you the best in Your subsequent contests. Blessings, that participation grows but I also want you to find a better advisor to help you with your ideas.


When start the next phase of this contest please, i want participate

@senzenfrenz Muchas gracias por tu linda apreciación. No entendí si quisiste darme una sugerencia, podrías hacerlo con otras palabras? Quería saber si mi participación fue válida o no? Por ahora no he podido organizarme con un músico para que haga el video conmigo. Saludos espero su respuesta.

@senzenfrenz ya entendi ajajjaa me salió una mejor traducción de tu comentario. Si cuando estaba grabando llegó visita a la casa, una visita que no era para mí ajjajaja y estaban hablando de negocios y no quise cantar tan duro, por eso me costo más hacer la parte del coro, y no fue de mañana, era de noche la grabación, por eso sale un poco oscura la habitación, por ahora no tengo músico que me acompañe con el instrumento, en el país donde estoy viviendo solo conozco un músico y ha estado ocupado lamentablemente por eso tengo que usar pista desde mi tv y esta es en la hab. Gracias por las sugerencias, igual no se si mi participación con pista es valida o necesito un músico que me acompañe obligado con algún instrumento.

Wow... It's good to see so many known people. Congratulations to the winners. I will join this great initiative friend @senzenfrenz. To all a big hug xD

Hello @senzenfrenz, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!