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RE: Steemit Open Mic Week 77 - Silence (Waves of Life) - naTHAN Kaye (Original Song)

in #openmic7 years ago

I can relate to this on so many levels - so much so atually, that I'm not able to listen to this at the moment. I'm currently coming off one anti-depressant, so I can try something different, and my emotions are all over the place. And if this is the same song you shared last week (ish?) on open mic, I already know it will wreck me. Don't get me wrong - that's a very good thing, because it means your words and music are incredibly powerful. Bright blessings to you, and anyone touched by this.

Since my VP is so tiny, I wanted to do this instead - tip!


Thank you so much @traciyork!
Your comment here means so much to me. Thank you for bravely sharing and knowing where your own limit for maintaining balance is too.
Massive blessings to you!

Bright blessings right back atcha, @nathankaye! 😊