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RE: OFFICIAL: Open-Mic | @passion-ground's Top-5 Entries for Week 74

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

Wow! Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate!
I made your top 5!!!!!
Woohoo! (I’m kangaroo hopping around my studio!)
Number 3 even!! Wowsers!
And your words melted like butter in my soul! Dude! Thank you! (“Loved this every which way from
Sunday!” You’re an honorary Aussie now!)

Especially amidst such a plethora of incredible acts who’s entries were stellar this week, it’s such an honour to receive this kind of acknowledgment from you and I’m hugely grateful for it!

I knew it was risky doing a non-genre specific blend of song and storytelling style of original (in fact, it’s quite a kooky thing to do! Lol!), but somehow I knew that you’d particularly ‘get it’ and understand why it’s just as an important type of artistic expression to share as a normal type of song is.

Each week I feel closer to this incredible Steemit Open Mic community and being embraced like this makes all the years of hard work feel worth it. And after a couple of years of struggle it feels wonderful to have found and be so warmly welcomed by this creative blockchain family.

Thank you for all the many hours you put in to sort through and adjudicate all the many entries, sir!
It’s no mean feat!
Blows my mind!

And blessings to all the people who’ve put their heart and soul and skill into their performances. My hats off to you all!

Keep creating your art with passion!



Nathan, thanks so much for recognizing the efforts and talents of all involved - you get it, brother - and that's a beautiful thing, man!