Open Mic Week 91 - Top 5 Selection and Honorable Mentions

in #openmic6 years ago

Back on the saddle my friends, and back to an amazing week of incredible music. My mind was blown a couple of times as the listening sessions got more and more intense and the week progressed.

Without any more delays, here we go:

First Place.-

@samidbarid - Remember old Places (original song)

I was not ready for this. I mean, How could one's composure be ready to be stripped away by the soothing sounds of melancholic strings and haunting vocals. Two seconds into listening I was not here anymore, I had left my computer and I was transported to a different version of myself.

What a beautiful collaboration, what a beautiful song, I loved every second of it.

Second Place.-

@ilazramusic - Mia (original song)

Not the first time @ilazramusic gets to be on my list. He's a musician musician, making due with what you could only describe as basic gear, driving home the point that what you need is not the most expensive of studios, but a drive to push your art forward as if your life depended on it.

The style is so soothing to me, I feel like I'm sitting on a beach listening to what peace is supposed to feel like... Beautiful work.

Third Place.-

@drewmusic - Love never felt so good (Michael Jackson cover)

I absolutely loved this cover, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a Michael Jackson fan. Drew made it his own, attacked it with the gentleness of silky voice, addressing those high notes with some beautiful falsettos. This goes to proof that a great song needs nothing more than one instrument, and someone who knows how to deliver.

Brilliant work Drew...

Fourth Place.-

@darrenclaxton - Chapter's just Begun (original song)

Darren has been on an introspective journey for quite a while now, and we are just lucky to be along for the ride. His songwriting in my opinion has evolved, matured and his style has become really defined. It's hard for me not to relate to his lyrics, specially because just like him I'm a dreamer myself, one that is always staring back at the road traveled wondering if I made all the right choices.

Fifth Place.-

@shookriya - Absences (original song)

Before I clicked on the video, I knew I was in for a treat. Two of the most talented openmic participants making a collaboration... What? - Of course, I was right. I loved every second of it, this was such a treat to my soul, the slow strumming, the delicate vocals the alluring harmonies. What's not to love?

Honestly, this is what the openmic has always aimed to do, get people together, get people collaborating, so when this type of magic shows up, I know we are promoting the right thing here.

Honorable Mentions

In no particular order, these are some of the performances I loved this week.... I'm super grateful for being someone who gets to listen to this talent.

@wilins - Stand by me (cover)

Don't forget to checkout the official Steemit OpenMic judges picks from @passion-ground @krystle @soundlegion and @verbal-d. Winners selected and announced every Monday on @luzcypher's blog page.

My deepest of Gratitudes

I would like to personally thank @ausbitbank, @curie and @aggroed for helping out our community. It's inspiring to see leadership taking the initiative to keep our beloved #openmic alive like this and its to me the biggest bullish indicator that we are on our way to a better, brighter tomorrow.

To our long time patron @pfunk once again, thank you for backing this project as you have for so long. I hope seeing the community rally behind the contest that we love so much made you proud. We have something very special here, and you've been key for it to be what it has become.

Long live the openmic!!!

And that is it for me and week 91, a little late in the day, but honestly this week was a bit of a struggle for me to make up my mind. Possibly more than other recent weeks. Way too much talent out there!!!

But hey friend, before you leave my post musical brother or musical sister, please know that despite the fact that we call this a competition, even though my post says first, second, third place, that is not what matters about the #openmic. In the end of the day the judges are just as human, as flawed and beautiful as everyone else on this planet. The ethos of this contest, of this community, is simply for us to have special place to share our passion for music, for us to laugh together, to cry together and explore emotions that everyday life seems to neglect in one way or another.

Every single one of you is valuable to me, so thank you for being part of my musical family...

Much love

Other posts by yours truly

• Go away Grimmi... me no like
• CB Radios, Nostalgia and the Inability to Adapt - Cryptocurrencies are Inevitable
• Today's discourse reduced to "Aha I got you moments"
• Are Flags really Censorship? - Continuing the discussion at hand
• Steem is turning around?


Congrats everyone :) so deserved... I confess my fav this week is also @soundlegion and @samidbarid duet... like same, few seconds in :) stuck till the end.

You're all so nice. Thank you Yidneth. I look forward to more videos from you!

Woah! @meno i am totally agree with you on @samidbarid - Remember old Places (original song) entry, i never though such a wonderfull voice would be matchet like that on piano. actually i already though of it, but the way it is executed surprise me, i really hope Sami here get's to the top 3 at least of the contest :D

Hoscker, you are a very talented musician. I'm so glad someone like you is paying me such a compliment. Thank you so much. Have a nice day ;)

Than you for your compliment my frend keep the hard wor, i hope in te future to work with yu and i love your work!!! you too ave a nice day my friend.

sucks missing judging this week, I am listening to your choices and ahhh just awesome. I am completely over the moon you selected @samidbarid for your top, what an incredibly gifted piano play and songwriter, it was an absolute honor to get to work with him on this original piece and I am sure we will be doing more. mwah mwah mwah huge love to you

It was a great honor for me, too. I'm surprised how quickly everything worked, something like that only works with professional talented people like you!

you guys did an amazing job!! <3

Hey Man!
I want to thank you from the bottom of my musical soul for your continuous support for my music journey! I also feel as though I've matured and settled into my own unique story telling style of song-writing.
Have a great week and carry on being the great person that you are!

Wow, my friend. Being your first place is a great honor. Your words touched me very much. It was very nice to make a video with Bonnie Legion, she is talented in so many levels that is great. If you enjoyed it after a few seconds, we did everything right. All the best for you! peace

you guys made some magic.. i was just a witness to it.

Thank you meno im so happy that you saying that my friend

Hey Meno,
I am really honoured to have made it to your Mentions :))
Thanks for all the great Work u r doing every Week and the big Chance it holds for Artists like us!
Keep up the good work :)

Thank you for letting me be in you honorable mentions. This is my first time in your mentions, so I feel very glad. Greetings, @meno! Bless!

Great list, I agree bro, this week was full of heavy hitters. Feeding off of all this inspiration for sure

Hey thank you so much! I love playing every week :D

@meno every video is unique in it own music

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How did ya do that? @meno that's cool!

i can reveal my secrets, but i'll do them on discord, send me a dm and i'll show you! ;)