Steemit Open Mic Week 69 - See Who Played Open Mic PART TWO
Steemit Open Mic is an online, live music venue to give musicians a chance to share their music with the Steemit community and get their music heard. It is growing larger every week thanks to all of you.
This week's entries have been split into three posts because we have so many entries that we broke the post size limit on Steemit!
This post is part 2 and this is
Steemit Open Mic Week 69 - See Who Played - Part 1
Steemit Open Mic Week 69 - See Who Played - Part 3
To see all the entries you'll have to go there too. The post was so big the website would not post it!
The number of entries shot up to a record 688 entries this week of which 484 are valid entries! Awesome guys!
Not all of the entries are in these posts though.
Due to the sheer numbers of entries this week we have only picked 367 of the best ones to put in these posts. If I included all posts it would require over 7 posts. Everyone who had a valid entry was supported even if you don't find your post in these pages and I hope you enjoy the diversity of music from around the world this week.
There have been a flush of new accounts downloading people's valid Open Mic entries, uploading them to a new YouTube account, and posting it as their own performance on their multiple Steemit accounts. Those will not be included and I have muted those accounts.
To the scammers doing this, muting your account means I will no longer see your posts so you are wasting yours and every one elses time continuing down that path.
We put a new rule in place that is designed to stop scammers, not singers as some people seemed to have interpreted this post.
New Rule For Entering Steemit Open Mic And The Open Mic Songwriters Challenge --- by @luzcypher
Please bear with us as we deal with this issue and keep Open Mic about building a musical community on Steemit worthy of the talent you bring to us each week.
@pfunk has been sponsoring Steemit Open Mic since I first started it and I want to give a big thank you to him and all the people who support and take part in Steemit Open Mic.
@pfunk is a Steemit witness and helps keep the platform working and you can vote for him here
Vote For Pfunk For Witness And Keep Steemit Open Mic Growing Strong We Need Your Help Now
Special thanks to @curie for selecting and supporting musicians who have entered Steemit Open Mic.
Special thanks to @xeldal for generously delegating +20,000 Steem Power to the project.
Special thanks to @ausbitbank for creating the new @openmic account and to all who funded it with +24,000 Steem Power

Auditions For Week 3 Of The Horns Up Saloon English And Spanish --- by @lk666
Now Playing Week 3 Recap --- by @nowplaying-music
Steemit Talent Contest And The Winner Is --- by @donnaincancun
Winner Of The Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Is Onetruebrother Congratulations You Won A New Guitar --- by @luzcypher
Openmic Songwriter S Challenge Best Of Season 1 --- by @meno
Official Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Or Passion Ground S Best Of Songwriters Season 1 --- by @passion-ground
Sound Legion Steemit Music Community Open Mic Judge What I Look For In A Openmic Entry My Musicial Journey Outline --- by @soundlegion
Steemit Local Music Society Update 3 New Moderators And Rules --- by @harrisonmir
Looking For Developers To Help Build A Dedicated Open Mic Website Built On The Steem Blockchain --- by @luzcypher
The cutoff date to enter however is 12.00 PM UTC Time (Friday, 26th January 2018). Find your UTC time here. Entries posted late will not be upvoted. We have about 100 people entering late and I do not have the time to explain the rules to you again so please read the post and get your entries in on time.##
Winners will be announced Monday, the 27th of January 2018.
Steemit Open Mic Week 69 Part 2
Contest: --- by @excel6068
half life (original) --- by @aguspratama
(cover) song --- by @sadaroha
NSFW (original song) --- by @steembirds
Original Song (lost) --- by @alshabaz
Original ,,Schiffchen'' --- by @ryoucha
STEEMIT OPENMIC WEEK 69 --- by @philtim
: A bit of Akkadakka --- by @steevc
Steemit - Semana - (Canción Original) - TONADA DE LAS SOMBRAS @WILINS Concurso patrocinado por @Luzcypher y @Pfunk --- by @wilins
🎤🎤 QiQi Sings "Let It Go" From Frozen With Her Sister @noki-power & Mother @truelovelives --- by @qiqi-power
Original Song - "The Milwaukee Song" played lap-style in open G tuning w a metal slide --- by @tonypapa
Steemit contest --- by @johny11
(cover) song --- by @muklis
The best song --- by @anjas.ganesha
Black and Gold --- by @lucybanks
ORIGINAL - --- by @edprivat
Mia (Canción original) --- by @fran-mazz
Yo se que El vive @ --- by @rypo01
Open mic week 69 --- by @shelele
Open mic week 69 --- by @sheddi
Open mic week 69 --- by @caesarmlking
[Sound Track of Titanic] --- by
Steemit Open Mic Week 69 - See Who Played - Part 1
Steemit Open Mic Week 69 - See Who Played - Part 3
Special thanks to @pfunk for his loyal support, @verbal-d, @jessamynorchard, @soundlegion, @passion-ground and @krystle for helping with judging the entries and spreading the word.

Hi @luzcypher, I'm sure you didn't see my performance. I did not receive up-vote and I am sure it complies with the regulations. Can you check it out, please?
Hey can I know why my entry didn't count?
What did I do wrong?
Your video is not working on your post
@luzcypher una vez mas quiero darte las gracias por todo el apoyo que das semana tras semanas al talento musical... esperando con ansias el próximo evento para dar lo mejor de mi...
thank you very much . Find your UTC time here. Entries posted late will not be upvoted. We have about 100 people entering late and I do not have the time to explain the rules to you again so please read the post and get your entries in on time.
wow nice porst