Steemit Open Mic Week 73 - Me caí de una nube - Cornelio Reyna - (cover by @Luis01gs)

I fell from a cloud
(Cornelio Reyn)
I fell from the cloud that was walking
About twenty thousand meters high
As little as I lose my life, compadre
That was my best adventure
By luck I fell between the arms
Of a beautiful and beautiful creature
She covered me with her nice dress
And running then to hide took me, buddy
I filled my whole body with kisses
And embraced, because with me she cried
He asked me to tell him
What person from there threw me
I could not tell him anything, nothing
Only, then I thought of the evil
I climbed up, well you know how far compadre
And throw me to really kill
And forget an ungrateful perfura
In my face I knew how to deceive
She covered me with her nice dress
And running ...
agradecido, Dios te bendiga mas