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RE: Steemit Openmic Week 100! "Parkinglot Blues" an original by me

in #openmic7 years ago

Beautiful song, as always, shook. ❤️"Parkinglot Blues" is awesome. The line, "someday I'll be where I belong" at the end is so warm and comforting - like your favorite relative telling you everything is going to be ok.

And damn. This sounds like an intense time for you.

Even though life’s been really weird to me, (or I’ve been really weird to life) I always knew that if shit hit the fan I could always count on that car for a place to sleep or to get me the hell out of there or whatever. Try selling that for 1000 bucks.
^I've reread this a few times to take it all in. It's a beautiful story in just a few lines.

Listening to your Choon playlist now and wishing you the best in this next stage.


Thank you lilly, yes super intense lately. The past week most of all probably. But I just got myself an apartment here in delhi so hopefully I’ll be able to settle down for a while...