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RE: 🎶 Open Mic Songwriters Week 5 - Theme: Wind Swept Shore - My Top 5 Judges Selection 🎶

in #openmic7 years ago

I'm sorry it took so long to reply to your amazing comment, I wanted to ensure I had the time and focus to respond to you properly.

Firstly you are most completely welcome, please know I too struggled immensely with writing my review - too many feels to think straight and word good :P

I absolutely connected with this song on a much deeper level than I think I was ready for, the first time I listened to the song I was just overwhelmingly concerned for you - until I heard and read the lyrics it was then I understood where my happy go lucky Basil had gone and why (I may have a little bit of a possessiveness when it comes to our entrants).

I settled in for another round and then it really hit me just how epically moving this song really was (and yes that is when the tears started coming in droves), for the longest time I just sat there all teary and listened to the song on - repeat unable to find any words at all to convey the sense of loss you had just shared with all of us, here at the Songwriters Challenge.

I have to mention just how proud I am not only of you, but our little community for making this such a safe place to share such an epic piece of yourself and allowing yourself to be vulnerable and knowing we will have your back - this is a really epic moment for all of us and I am ever so grateful you found the strength to trust us with a piece of your life and soul.

I am so relieved you liked the review, I was a little worried (really half expecting) you to just ignore it and move on past this emotional moment - above all else I didn't want you to feel pressured into anything by what I was saying, I just wanted to share with you how much it meant to me not only as a judge but a fellow human.

On that note music has amazing healing powers not only for the listeners but those writing as well, you allow yourself to re-experience a tragic moment in your life and find a way to share your emotions in the most amazing and beautiful way possible - again not trying to push things but I am so glad to hear you not only went back to the post to reply to people (kudos not sure I'd be able to) but also that you listened to the song again that just means the world to me.

I really want to share this song with my mother, as I think it would resonate with her in the same way it did with me - but I'm a little concerned about causing her an emotional meltdown, seriously dude you gave me all the feels.

Your music made me feel that I shared a similar pain with you in that moment and your words filled me with such bittersweet mix of tragedy and hopefulness, your skill to depict the emotions was just brilliant.

I just want to say another thank you, for having the courage to share this and for feeling as though this was a place where you could share such a private part of yourself with us - I am just so relieved my words showed in some small way what a truly amazing gift you have, even in times of great emotional stress.

Thank you again for just being so awesome, it has been such an absolute pleasure to get to know you through this challenge - I love your music, your creative energy and your passion and feelings towards our little corner of the steemosphere.

Your a lovely addition to the Songwriters Challenge and Open Mic alike, your entries (until this one that is) always make me smile and whenever I see your name pop up as the next in line to listen to - I get a little excited to see what gems you've created for us each time, your'e an absolute legend and a brilliant musician.

Love and hugs and thanks once more xox


thankyou so much krystle. you are a very special person. massive love to you and a warm hug for your mother too (sorry if I am the cause of any emotional breakdowns! haha). No but seriously, its an incredible honour to have had such a profound effect and to feel the reciprocated feels. It means the world. You KNOW how much I love this challenge and this community! Just one more week left after this There will be a strange gap in my life......and maybe some time to reassimilate! x