*Open Mic Week #88 A Boca Cerrada Cover Reynaldo Armas*
y estoy lleno de temor las calles están repletas de gente sin corazón
que el medio ambiente ha creado
sin garganta ni pulmón (BIS)
No te confies vida mía vida mia
no es el momento de arriesgar un buen amor cuesta tan alto un cariño verdadero para exponerlo a la lluvia y al calor no le comentes a nadie
lo que existe entre los dos (BIS)
Recuerdo aquella noche cuando por primera vez me diste un beso para sellar nuestro amor era invierno y hacia frio yo era el tierno ruiseñor
que acurrucado en tu pecho
te cantaba una canción (BIS)
Desde esa noche vida mia vida mia
eres la luna que me da su resplandor
y si me quieres de acuerdo a tu juramento hasta la muerte
seguiré siendo tu sol basta con no divulgar lo que hay entre tu y yo
What's between us, do not tell anyone about it, it's dangerous
and I am filled with fear the streets are full of people without heart
that the environment has created
without throat or lung (BIS)
Do not confess my life, my life
it is not the moment to risk a good love it costs so high a true affection to expose it to the rain and to the heat you do not tell anyone
what exists between the two (BIS)
I remember that night when you first kissed me to seal our love it was winter and it was cold I was the tender nightingale
that snuggled in your chest
I sang you a song (BIS)
Taken from From that night, my life, my life
You are the moon that gives me its radiance
and if you want me according to your oath until death
I will continue to be your sun, just do not divulge what is between you and me