💬 Daily AMA with Ke'Xu | ONO | Day 4 Recap

in #onosocial6 years ago (edited)


In the fourth day of the AMA with Ke'Xu many good questions were asked. Don't forget to join the Telegram group and ask your questions.

Join the Telegram group: https://t.me/ONOUS

1.Which are the pictures size and weight limits for the upload from the phone?

Ke'Xu@ONO: Photo is within 5M now.(will make higher later) There’s no limits for the size of pics, We will automatically make the photo fit screen.

2.What about for files also? Do you save the exif in the uploaded file? (to see them clicking on the picture for example)

Ke'Xu@ONO: Right now, we haven’t developed the files part yet. But will do later. We do have exif. But we didn’t show it to users, but I will add it on the to do list. ( let our members to analyze :)

3.What are rough timelines we can know the capabilities of the development API to make apps on the social network? I have several app ideas but don't know if i'm able to create them on the ONO network at this point in time.

Ke'Xu@ONO: We will give a simple Open API at very beginning. But if you need the more complete one, it needs long time to develop better. I think the time will be around October.

4.Will contents with minimum of 500 characters get same ONOT token as content with endless characters. @ONOxuke in her previous chat on the English channel said something about text has 2 types of characters

Ke'Xu@ONO: 1. Minimum of 500 2. Endless Yes. We do have two types of contents. And the types will NOT influence the rewards and the distribution.

5.Are names/titles/tags unique, like on Instagram or Steemit?

Ke'Xu@ONO: Yes. Unique. Later we will let users to add unique tags.

6.If in some distant future after the ONO app is running, will there be a desktop version? Or will it be considered a desktop version? Or is it possible that a developer/ONOUser will develop one?

Ke'Xu@ONO: Yes. We did have web version now, but it’s only for write long articles. Later we will develop more functions which are exactly the same with the Dapp one.

7.Will the international release support videos and audios?

Ke'Xu@ONO: I’m sorry to tell that all the videos and audios are not supported now. But will have the simple function of the videos and audios in second ONO version in August

8.My question is if everybody both the rich and poor in ONOTs will then have the same voting power for rewards?

Ke'Xu@ONO: Yes. Everyone is equal. Whoever you are.

9.Regarding ONO Super Partners. The whitepaper says that traditional social media companies hire 10k content managers to manage bad content. How can 51 super partners manage this workload?

Ke'Xu@ONO: 1. SPs can be an organization, a company, or a person. 2. We will provide a management console which will receive all the reports and the contents which the algorithm scrapped. (Filtered)

10.Will ONO mainnet use Bancor algorithm? If so will people be able to buy RAM like they did in EOS mainnet now?

Ke'Xu@ONO: I will let @ONOCYC answer this. He is our CTO: No bancor by now.

11.Is it true that the rewards for an SP per day is 10,000 ONOT? Fixed?

Ke'Xu@ONO: It’s not true. It’s already changed after we test for few days. And We publish the final decision on the whitepaper already. That is 2% inflation per day of ONOTs will be in the super partners pool. And SPs are the DAC, they have their rights to decide how to divide them.

12.Will the version coming out next week have features to place an ad or boost content with ONOTs?

Ke'Xu@ONO: No ADs before 10million users.

Previous posts from the AMA with Ke'Xu:

💬 Daily AMA with Ke'Xu | ONO | Day 1 Recap

💬 Daily AMA with Ke'Xu | ONO | Day 2 Recap

💬 Daily AMA with Ke'Xu | ONO | Day 3 Recap

If you have any questions for the AMA next time, please send them on Telegram to the host of the day and not direct in @ONOUS.
If there are any mistakes in what i wrote place let me know so i can correct them on time.
Picture source: Twitter
Official website: https://www.ono.chat