OPMET is the name of the 4th track I'm sharing from my My Audio Memoirs - RECORDED in 2012 / Shared at Steemit in 2016 under #OneManBand

in #onemanband9 years ago (edited)


Another moment I record at 2012. This track is called opmeT (Tempo in Backwards / tempo = time). I made this track in a stage of my life where I really wanted things to go back they were before, but time only flows one way... in this track I've played all instruments and again, it's not intended to be a perfect, it's not intended to be a music, this was just another audio memoir I record otherwise it would be lost in time and memory.



and the scene of the crime...

If you liked this, please check my previous #Music related post:


LIQUID MONDAY is the name of the 3rd track I'm sharing as my "My Audio Memoirs" - RECORDED in 2012 / Shared at steemit in 2016 [ #OneManBand ]


INKIT is another track from My Audio Memoirs - RECORDED in 2013 / Shared at steemit in 2016 [ #OneManBand ]


"DESERT" - My Audio Memoirs - RECORDED in 2011 / Shared at steemit in 2016 [ #OneManBand ]
I love to create stuff, to tweak and explore... now I'm Sharing how I've made this awesome pickguard!Hello! See how I have made this cool and personalized Guitar PickGuard

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Syncopated... nice. Like the idea of tempo backwards.

Nice, did you do the video too?

yeah... the video is just a "placeholder" for youtube. Didn't want a still image but didn't want to lose to much time doing it... so, that's that, a visual masterpiece! (or not eheheh)

I like it, and I like the gas mask too.

Lol, got that in Berlin a few year ago 😉