Drawing Lisa (Blackpink) in Tailand Clothing Step-by-Step with Pictures

in #onchainart5 years ago

I want to get to the good stuff first so here is the final drawing. Decoration is not a strong point for me, hence the questionable purple stuff on there but let's focus on the positives. Let's see how I got here.
Lisa Tailand.jpg

Step number one is starting with a simple sketch. Nothing too out of the ordinary. I like to draw the eyes first.


This is the complete linework I am going to use for when blocking out the colors. It's a nice-looking sketch already.


Yep, you guessed right - flat colors stage. At this point I am not concerned with the details, just filling in what I think to be the right colors.


I little bit of work done around the eyes and some shading on the side of the head here.


Shading and lighting on the bangs. Hair could be tricky because it changes not only brightness bute hue too when lit.


The topmost layer of skin is translucent too so it turns to a warmer colour when lit. Typically the face has a 'warm' and a 'cold' side. The warm side has reddish tones, while the cold side has blueish and purplish tones. 'Cold' is considered the part that is not hit by light directly but indirectly.


And voila, the 'polished' drawing. I really love to take snapshots of my drawings while working on them, if you enjoyed that step-by-step walkthrough let me know.


Remember to stay home and to stay safe. Peace out.