OmiseGo (OMG/BTC)

On BitcoinLive; daily Crypto updates are made available while also, on demand analysis requests are fast filled. Join us as we have now opened up monthly and quarterly subscriptions. Use this link: Below is an excerpt of a recent Bitcoin (BTC) cycle analysis.
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Omise go is very undervalued coin. It has a potential to pump a lot. As current market is getting stable now. This year altcoin will follow Bitcoin and ya Bitcoin will definately pump to 8500$ to 12000$ till end of 2018.
Not sure about the price targets; but overall, BTC and cryptos are probably at terminal phase of this big correction. That means wave 2 will complete...what comes after wave 2? Wave 3 and it's never less than wave 1. So, higher than $20k? Let's see.
Yeah very well said @haejin
It will definately cross it's all time high price but when we have to see how much time it takes to cross.
Is this also a triple bottom ACE ? Which shows the upward trend to come?
Since c is higher than A and E is higher than C; it's not a triple bottom which usually have about same levels. That's why the pattern is a triangle.
Thanks for correcting me as I am learning technical analysis 👍🏻
it makes you think!
@haejin brother i think its is recovery time for all crypto market but omg is great coin and great price i earn profit again and again from it its all amazing ....hope for good and bright future keep smiling ........ and neo is also my favourite coin...
to keep it in mind
Hey @haejin
Amazing post man!
I am admirer of your post!!😍
Can you help me?? Man..
@haejin... ❤️❤️❤️I like this article , actually crypto world is awesome and future of world those accept right now they all are lucky those who not accept they Remorse one day... 👌👌👌👌👌
Go omg!
I sold all my ripple and bought OMG because I have more confidence in it; in fact I am thinking of selling most of the other alt coins and just have a very few. I do like Tron and Neo and Iota so may stick with them...
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