Get your quality pre-owned typewriter now while quantities last.
Downtown Buenos Aires
There are hundreds of typewriters in this store front.
For as many years as I have lived in this city and the same store has always been here, two blocks up from the main square Plaza de Mayo in the heart of the business district.
The only thing that changes is a new hand written price on that same old ribbon-writter due to the ever collapsing Argentine mango, some call it plata, others guita, still others will tell you that 1,000 mangos is una luca. Either way the Argentine peso is done.
These same models have not moved. Every morning they open the doors and put "Today's Special" out front with its sun faded price tag, despite the ever changing peso.
Check this baby out!
Perfect for that inevitable typewriter emergency, this one was owned by a little old lady from Pasantina!
She was careful not to put scratches anywhere near the color selector. This one is a steal at $2400.00 or roughly u$s 90.00
Don't worry, by the time I publish this blog the dollar price will be much less. If it didn't weigh thirty five pounds, I could ship it to you!
Today I went in to by a pocket currency counter for, yeah you guessed it, $2500.00 pesos. Battery operated, fits in your pocket, great for counting cash when you sell that hundred dollar bill. The only one he had was in the window and was too difficult to get at. Plenty of hefty typewriters to put in the old back pack, but those pesky money counters. Not much demand for them so they only keep on in stock. And it is in the display window.
As I walked in, I had to squeeze by the paper shredder, on sale today and today only for thirty five lucas (we say 35 grand). Now you know some Argie Spanish. You can see the owner sitting back there working on his hand pump adding machine to figure out which typewriters need to be restocked. He has had the place since his dad left it to him in the mid-eighties.
I may go back and get that bill counter tomorrow...
Oh, wait. there it is for una luca less!
The internet almost makes this store superfluous!
Some things never go out of style (in Argentina)
Máquinas de escribir muy útiles en su tiempo, recuerdo que en una como esas aprendí a teclear con rapidez y atino al pisarlas, Nos mandaban muchos ejecicios para tomar destreza. Todavía conservo mi credencial, de mecanografía y redacción. La tecnología ha avanzado a pasos agigantados, quedando estas máquinas, estos objetos obsoletos en la actualidad son relíquias. Excelente Post.
the store seems like of ancient times, it has got plenty of typewriters in it from old age to modern age, this is some kind of typewriter museum to me...
It's those stores where the time stopped, but the prices are not very interesting that place, I hope the devaluation does not follow
Este post me hace recordar cuando mi madre redactaba sus trabajos de la universidad, en una maquina antigua y muy ruidosa, que tiempos aquiellos! Gracias por compartir.
Hi dear i hope you are well, the typewriters are a main instrument, with the advent of computers these were a little forgotten, but always a good memory. Especially in secretaries. My mom taught me how to write quickly thanks to them. Sometimes here we say Lucas being the coin the bolivar. Every day we learn something new.
This is my typewriter
Thanks for pulling it out and adding to the post!
hahaha Excellent post we forgot about them. When I look at these machines I remember the sound that would not let me sleep as a child, my mother on her bedside table doing work late. and every time a paragraph went by it sounded like a clip, and to think that it was the alarm clock,
They were a toy when I was a kid and that was a very long time ago. I remember ours went in the trash as soon as we had a printer.
I tried to throw the machine in the trash, but my mother did not want to update, I was punished for trying ajajja, a childhood with many anepdotas hehe
Excelente, Buenos Aires famoso por vender cosas viejas!!! yo conservo muchas antiguedades, como mencioné en un antiguo post, aun tengo cajas de diskettes intactos. pero te dejo esta foto.
¿Cuanto puede valer este?
Conseguime comprador y lo llevo.
¡Un joystick! ¿No es ese de los de la Atari? Increíble.
Un humilde regalo para este excelente post, añado a la lista mi maquina de escribir con @ordosjc , Saludos

Cool. I wish I had a machine with a keyboard that automatically prints everything I type. That's the latest technology and you own it!
Jajaja excelente lo mejor esta por venir,
It's been a long time since I've seen a typewriter in person. I remember that when I started in Steemit a person published something about them and without a doubt I digressed in my memories, the truth is that I was always struck by the old regarding technology (once I said it with the musical boxes that you shared, those of vinyl). The typewriters call me a lot of attention because I study Computer Engineering and almost marked the beginning of Word (laugh).
A pleasure to see you again here, sponge.
I need this shop in my country. I have some that kind of elements. Old is gold.