Massive Winter Painting

in #oil7 years ago (edited)

To help sell our boring house, I thought doing a painting to make it more exciting was a good idea. I also wanted to take on the challenge of a big canvas.
Hollllly moly, what a lot of work. Here is the current situation...


(Sister bailed after two hours)


Feet size comparison DX (my feet are pretty big!)

dadspainting3 feet.jpg

My current stage :
I have never painted snow before. Or painted really anything this big/serious in oil. So I was a little lost as to how to start. (Still am). Not sure if it was frustration, or a good idea, but I darkened the whole painting with a Persian blue wash,
Sweats nervously
Hopefully it will turn out okay...


Anyone got tips or know any great resources to check out for oil painting, hit me up!