LPO in the Know - Libertarian Newsletter of Ohio

in #ohio7 years ago

Dear Friend of Liberty,

VOTE FREE OHIO - 52% of Ohio is Independent of either of the two establishment parties. Don't let the minority determine the rules for your life. Please get registered, make a plan to vote and encourage others to do the same!

REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS OCTOBER 9, 2018 Please be sure to register to vote for the upcoming midterm election!

ELECTION DAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2018 Find your polling location!


Joshua Johnson, host of NPRs 1A had a show recently highlighting Vulnerable Voters.

This is an issue that our Secretary of State candidate, Dustin Nanna wants to address!

Multiple states have already moved forward with some type of Automated Voter Registration

Nanna states, "When a resident interacts with the state in any matter which collects enough information to verify and register a person to vote, they should be registered to vote. This should be a convenient process."


We need you to volunteer:

Get Out The Vote Coordinator Now until November 10 hours per week
Social Media Specialist - 2 hours per week
Political Affairs Coordinator - Local 1 hour per week
If you can spare the time, please sign up to volunteer or if you are able to give, it only happens if you want it to!

Every bit helps and no donation is too small.
Please consider becoming a sustaining member of the party with a monthly contribution!
If you would like to talk to someone about a more substantial gift, please contact us.

OTR FILM FESTIVAL - Small town Ohio on the big screen - CONVICTION: THE TRUE STORY OF CLARENCE ELKINS: In order for Clarence Elkins family and supporters to prove his innocence, all of the stars had to align perfectly. Its a story that would be unbelievable if it weren’t true. (Ohio Innocence Project)

LORAIN FOP TURNS FROM DEWINE - “This is the greatest public health emergency facing the state, but in eight years, we have seen very little action on it,” the mayor said. “We’ve given (Republicans) a chance to lead, and I think it’s time for somebody else to have an opportunity.” WE AGREE! We've given both of the other two candidates a chance and all they did was play the Blame Game!
Somebody else = Travis Irvine! Follow him on Twitter @TravisIrvineUSA

OHIO DOCS ALREADY RECOMMENDING MED MARIJUANA - None of the 56 medical marijuana dispensaries planned for under the state’s new Medical Marijuana Program are operating yet. But that’s not stopping some doctors from writing recommendations for patients who can ultimately use the drug when it does become available.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP - It's free to be a member but with a minimum donation of $25 you are a dues paying member. Why is that important? We are assigned a number of delegates at the National Convention based on how many dues paying members we have. The number of delegates is how many votes we have at convention on policy, leadership, as well as President and Vice Presidential candidates!
You will get the Libertarian newspaper and stay abreast of what is happening with party insiders!
Currently Ohio is about #7 in the country for # registered voters - and we are about #7 for number of Libertarians that are dues paying members. However, we are only a few spots out of 6th, about ten spots from 5th and less than 100 from 4th! We could be looking at being the third most Libertarian state in the nation by the time we get to the Austin, TX Convention in 2020! It all starts with you! Spouses can both join and you will each have a delegate vote at convention.

PLUS right now, if you use this link, https://www.lp.org/join14/?f=oh - you can choose a free gift for joining or renewing! Please consider joining and asking your friends and family to join as well. Please share this link on all of your social media with a plea for all of Ohio to stand up and be counted!


(How bad does it have to get?)


Be sure to follow the Libertarian Party of Ohio on Twitter to keep up with the latest liberty-related news, memes, and events. https://twitter.com/LPOhio


If you are done with Facebook and Twitter, join us on MeWe - The Next-Gen Social Network. Ohio Libertarian Volunteers on MeWe

Lions of Liberty - The Lions of Liberty podcast has become one of the leading liberty-oriented political podcasts over the course of the last nearly FIVE years. The show has featured compelling interviews with some of the top names in the liberty movement such as Ron Paul, Tom Woods, Lew Rockwell, Jesse Ventura, Julie Borowski and many more, along with laid back roundtable discussions about relevant liberty topics.



Sincerely in Liberty,

Helen Gilson
Field Development Director
Libertarian Party of Ohio
