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RE: Off Grid Coffee Maker

in #offgrid7 years ago

It worked! The picture loaded! Yay little computer 💙 i love using the french press to make coffee but, i think your drip method would make clean-up much less water intensive! Ah! The comfy routine... while the water boils, tidy kitchen, there's always something going on in the kitchen! Was glad to tidy up the dishes & bottle up kombucha while the coffee brewed. Yay coffee for the win!! I used to drink black coffee when i was much more observant of calories in/ out. I was much leaner then too 😂🤣 meh! Maybe some day!! I will get back to a strickter routine! I remember grassy tasting milk! My grandma had dairy cows when I was young. I think she milked about 6 or 8 of them. Don't get that in conventional milk. Actually, my daughter has gone vegan and tries to explain to me the extent of the cruelty in the dairy industry. Another reason to go back to black i guess. I have never gotten into goat's milk. But, can see the upside to it. Nothing better than good goat cheese! Hope you enjoyed your coffee! How much longer till the baby chicks hatch? 🐣 i am looking forward to your post about foraging for food in your forest 🍄


Yes we were able to get the photos to load. We were using facebook to get the photos into steem but for some reason they are blocking that. So we had to change to imgsafe. I prefer imgsafe.

It is amazing how we get into routines. Yeah I like the routine of the morning. Sometimes I just wish I could get up earlier. There are days 6 am is not early enough. I only have a few short hours in the morning to do steem work. Usually there is too much going on in the rest of the day.

I would agree in the dairy industry it probably is cruel. So many of those industries are. I have a hard time to buy milk the few times I have to. Also the negative energy that goes into the product can affect so many people and they don't even know it. I am not sure what I would do if I had to leave the farm.

Grassy milk has it's place. It makes great cheese. Wow your grandmother milked quite a few cows. Milking cows takes quite a bit longer than milking a goat. I imagine she milked by hand.

The baby chicks are almost done their hatch. There are three more that are about to hatch.

Oh my gooooodnesss! Such cuties!!! Yay pics uploading 💖💖💖 what a miracle those little ones!! I just can imagine their sweet sounds!!!! So nice of you to share that image with me!! I hope you never have to leave your land ever again. You've worked so hard to get to where you are. Ideally it will just get better & better. It's actually one of my hurdles to going towards stewarding land, finding the right people to do it with. I would probably die trying to go at it alone! LOL @earthmother is such an inspiration that way!! Grandma had milking machine. Now that I think of it, i don't know how they worked. I will have to ask her. She had a big separator too that spun and separated milk and cream. Though lots of cream was left in the milk. I remember taking the cream in those metal containers to town with her to sell them. That's going way back!! If not for insomnia & recovery I'd never had made this much time for social media! Funny how things work out. Hoping the last three lil' chicks hatch! Have a wonderful day!

Yes they are cute and the last three did hatch. They have moved out into the big chicken coop. They will be under a brooder. We just turned the incubator into a brooder.

I hope we never leave our land. I sure hope you are able to get out to some land. Finding people to steward land with is not an easy task. We are still working on that one. We are doing this alone for now. However there are like minded people moving into the area and we are building friendships with them. That is nice.

@earthmother sure does make it seem easy. She is so strong. Ever since I have met her I have admired her. She is like the superwoman of the current ages. Only the off grid superwoman.

Oh how nice that your grandma had a milking machine. That sure does make the job easier. We also have a cream separator, we don't use it for goat milk. There is not enough cream to make it worth while. They are quite a bit to clean. What nice memories of you and your grandma taking cream to town to sell. That is when it seemed easier. It probably wasn't but I don't know maybe it was my perception as a child. Life seemed somewhat easier back then.

Well yay for insomnia and recovery. I am just joking those are not fun to go through. I am just so glad you are on the mend. People don't realize that recovery can take years to get through depending on the extent of the trauma. I know after building two earthships and emotional trauma through it, it took me over two years to get back to a place where I was able to function again. The physical aspect was that I pushed my body way past what it was capable of doing and so I needed to heal my arms and body from pounding over 1200 tires. Emotionally we were letting out all of our trauma through the physical work. It truly was a healing experience. However we both have said that we would never build this big again.

Hope you have an awesome day.

Yes for the memories 💖 so glad for them. You made me laugh when you talked about your experience building the Earthships! The idea comes to mind but the reality of packing all that dirt is hmmmm, pretty daunting tbh! My shoulders are the most wrecked by the injuries so I am glad to know there's some sense of reality in my mind! I have SO often been blinded by the fantasy of things. It's quite a huge undertaking you did for sure. I am so glad you're able to connect with the healing through it. Sad you had to go over your limit to learn --trust you're fully recovered now. What lessons to learn. I bet you are very happy to have the large atrium especially this season! At one point I 'owned' a 2600 sq ft house. That too taught me there are some instances where size does matter - bigger isn't always better!! It's nice your community is coming together. You two are so brave! Are your sons & mother still living nearby too? I could see my daughter being into farm life off grid. My son.... not so much. But, who knows! I have been asking my siblings to do the hippy commune-ish thing for ages. They think I am nuts! But! I have one sister softening to the idea, we lived together so well. And, my brother's wife could get into it I think, they live in Leduc right now. Heck! My brother was talking about chicken farming when we just saw them. A far cry from stewarding land but it's moving in the right direction! Oh my gosh! This comment is so long! But, one more thing! Haha..... i think now is really the best time to be alive. It's complicated yes. But, all times had their complications. I LOVE that I can video chat with my almost 93 year old grandma eventhough we are 8 hours apart! And, it's cheap. It's such a blessing. We can learn anything with a quick search. There's such advancements in technology & medical care (i know that's a slippery slope) and, personal expression -- we have lots of choice now. Let's just hope more ppl choose to care for our home & one another rather than causing destruction. Like NOW!! So much possibility is at our fingertips.

You know it was tons of work but we had fun doing it. We did it as a family and yes there were some days when it wasn't fun. We watched a lot of comedy so we had funny things to talk about when we were working.

I am glad I pushed myself. I now know how much I can do and what is too much. Without going overboard I wouldn't know what is too much. We all need to know our boundaries. Yes I am recovered from the excessive pounding of tires.

That would be so great if you could have some of your family go off grid with you. Ah to be able to dream. Many people who were totally against things like off grid are coming around. Your brother is a good expample of that. The energy is changing for all.

I agree that the technology is great. This is a good time to be here. We are having our own hard times but we are also building a different way of life. The systems are changing. In 100 years our world will be very different. Change can be disruptive and hard. However it can also be so wonderful and rewarding. To be able to video chat with your grandmother is so fantastic and can keep us close. Even blogging is a wonderful tool. The choices are endless now. Imagine what the next generation of children will think of what we went through. Even now my kids think it was so archaic that our computers did so little when we were younger. We tell them how big the computers were when they first came out and they laugh.

You guys are so kind :) I just do what I can! I think that we are so blessed to have connected, to support and help each other in a very positive way! Relationships can be hard to find with this lifestyle. Its nice that we have each other to bounce ideas off of. :) I am so blessed, honoured and grateful to know you both.

I agree with the earthship being daunting...i was actually thinking about a cord wood home for thermal mass, but that is alot of cement to haul into the bush. So now i am thinking maybe earth bag for thermal mass, with earthship principles? LOL Going to test it out on a small greenhouse...single room idea...another thing on my list. :)

Love how the memories flood back. :) Makes me smile. I often wish that I would have paid more attention to the stories shared back then.

Off i go to the black fly buffet! I want to get the garden fence finished today, so i can get everything in this weekend. :) Huge love to you both Thank you for the love! it means more than you know!

It is true. You do amazing work. You seem to handle so many things. I am sure there are times when you don't feel that way but you do make it look easy. I know how hard it is to live this lifestyle at times and I was a single parent for a while. To add the two of them together is amazing.

I think the earth bags is a fantastic idea. Then you could fill them in your spare time and get a bunh made up for when you are ready to start. That would make it way easier. Filling tires is great but very labor intensive. The concept would be the same.

I sure hope you get it all done. I see on the weather that your area is due for some rain. We are trying to get a bunch of stuff done before the rain comes. Having a few rain days will be a nice break.

Have a great day.