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RE: Off Grid Coffee Maker

in #offgrid7 years ago (edited)

Why do u have to turn the eggs yourself? The incubators should swing the eggs? And why dont your hens hatch out the chicks? And also i think the platform is having issues, when i add pictures they go in sideways..and when i upvote it takes way longer then it use to. Idk whats going on but its just this site i have issues with


We have a weasel that steals the eggs. Also if something spooks the chicken she will abandon the eggs so to ensure a good hatch we do it. Yes we turn the eggs by hand. We did try a incubator that would turn the eggs but we find this a better method. Also it takes more power to have a incubator turn the eggs.

We did have a duck hatch our her own ducklings. The weasel was so busy stealing the chicken eggs it missed the duck eggs. I am grateful for that.

We were loading our picutres onto facebook and then to steemit and for some reason that doesn't work now. Yes this site is glitchy at times. There are a couple of bugs to work out I guess. I usually don't notice the issues because I have so many computer problems it all blends together. It all keeps me patient.

That is too bad you have problems with this site. I have a program that adjusts my photos so that they come in the right way. It takes more time but it is worth it.

The reason is because STEEM is going down at the moment on the exchange. More people are doing Steemit, I suppose. I have noticed the same thing. It's not just you. As for the pictures being sideways, are you dragging them in or using the "selecting them" link under the reply box?
That has never happened to me. At least not yet.

I use the selecting link under the blog box. If i take the pictures sideways they upload straight?? Go figure hu