What is the mandate to wash the ur comod?
What is the mandate to wash the ur comod?
The question
What is the name of the booklet in the English toylet?
bistarito dolil shoho janaben
Questioner-Mufid Arefin
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Your question is, what is the mandate for high commodity? is not it?
Making high-comods in the bathroom is permissible for those who are sitting in the urine and making the urine difficult. In such a fashion, this is done in Makruh Tahrimi. High-comod should not be made without the need. (Jadeed Fqbahi Maseel-1/57}
However, if there is no other bathroom, then there is no problem in hiring high commodity.
عن عائشة قالت: من حدثكم أن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم كان يبول قائما فلا تصدقوه ما كان يبول إلا قاعدا (سنن الترمذى, ابواب الطهارة, باب [ما جاء في] النهي عن البول قاتما, رقم الحديث-12
Translation: Hadrat Ayesha said, do not believe those of you who say that the Prophet has pissed and stood up. Because the Prophet (peace be upon him) only pissed in the sitting. (Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith no. 12, Mujam ibn Asakir, Hadith No.-366}
ويكره أن يبول قائما أو مضطجعا أو متجردا عن ثوبه من غير عذر فإن كان بعذرفلا بأس به (الفتاوى الهندية -1 / 50, رد المحتار -1 / 31
والله اعلم بالصواب
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Lutfur Rahman Faraizi
Director-Talimul Islam Institute and Research Center Dhaka.
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