Positive Thinking - Only the Tip of the Iceberg to a Successful Life

in #of4 years ago

Although it thrills me that a movie like "The Secret" is now becoming a main topic boasting that if you just change the way you think to "positive thoughts" you will change your life, that's not the whole story. , but just the tip of the iceberg to creating a successful life.

Humans are the most fascinating subject on the planet. We are complex and for the most part still quite secret to ourselves. But it is the pleasure of being human, of discovering the mysteries. Human behavior has been a central concern for a very long time. We approached it under the psychological aspect, the behavioral aspect, the spiritual aspect and the emotional aspect. None has given us a clear picture of how they all fit together into a congruent whole.

However, we do gain in our understanding of our parts, of course.

Positive thinking is a lot like the chicken and the egg question. What comes first: happy life, therefore positive thoughts; or positive thoughts, and therefore a happy life.?

The key to any positive change in a person's life is free will first and foremost. The absolute ability to exercise our free choice and make a new decision, to choose a new path; so what, using this free will, to continue on this new path with focus, determination and commitment. I call it applied spirituality. We use our free will to apply our mind (energy) in any way and where we consciously choose.

On that fact alone, the presence of free will, all life can change. The variables for the success of this choice are innumerable. Obviously, prior conditioning is what every individual has in his favor or against in order to move forward. Those who have been brought up in an environment where they have been encouraged to believe in themselves, esteem themselves will make these changes more easily, because they already BELIEVE they can and will. Likewise, those who have been conditioned (humanized) to believe that they are not good enough, intelligent enough, wise enough will have a harder time turning back.

But I have seen people make amazing positive changes in their lives. I have been studying people and human behavior in conjunction with their spirituality for 30 years now. And there is nothing that we cannot be, do or have. However, change is happening in an evolutionary way, not in the way we would prefer, in a revolutionary way. Positive (or negative) change happens one logical step at a time.

This is how it works. We have a condition present in our lives that we don't like. It doesn't feel good. So we want a change. At this singular moment lies the greatest degree of clarity on what we really want. We know with absolute certainty what we now want to experience. I remember the moment of Scarlet O'Hara Blown away by the wind where she declares: "I swear I'll never be hungry again!" It was then and there that she was absolutely clear on what she wanted and definitely aligned her inner self with his new choice. It is also at this precise moment that we either commit to making our new decision or give it up immediately. Courageous people get involved; cowards give up.

we align ourselves with our new choice, a lot of things rush, the first is doubt. We doubt we can. We have no idea how. And for many, that's about all that happens. We want something new, we don't believe it, and therefore, cut that new pick before it even has a chance to gain a tiny little root.

For those who want it enough and have the courage to trust, something else is happening. I call this living with ambiguity. We have no idea how. We have no idea when, where or who. We only have this new dream, this new choice, but we are aligning our energy (our Spirit or Gochip) from within behind this new decision. Now this new vision is starting to grow new little roots.

From there, we take the "do" steps. We begin to look for the steps that come our way that support the new decision. We are looking for them with the hope that they are there. “Ah, there it is. The way opens. We recognize that the step is there! We are grateful. We keep looking for the next step and the next and the next. Doubt never comes into play.

Perhaps this is where positive thinking comes in, to deflect doubt and change the old ways of functioning of the old conditioned human mind. But with this, we must visualize what we dream of, down to the smallest detail and often. We have to see it and feel it as if it is real right now. We do this to bring “energy” into the dream and literally bring it to life.

Thoughts are energy. And the more energy we give to our dream, the more it becomes "matter" and manifestation.

The “do” part is just as important. We have to take the necessary steps, and in these steps we focus our life force like a laser. This focus of our life force is how we create. Literally this is how we create something new, by purposefully and consciously applying our mind to what we want.

Ask anyone who has a messy life situation. They created the "mess" which is positive proof that we are powerfully creative beings. The difference is that they focused their life force on the level of consciousness in which they were comfortable and familiar. It's when we look for more or better - something we have no experience of - that the challenge is great. It requires new thoughts, new areas of interest. For example, if I want to have more money, I definitely have to have new thoughts about money. If I only have my current money awareness, I have to look for new thoughts and new ideas about money. I could hang out with people who don't care about money and learn how they believe and think. I could read money books. I could talk to people who have money. I find new ideas and refocus my Life Force in this direction. And then, I take the "do" steps in this new direction.

In my opinion, the way we create is simple. We create what we focus on. Period. The problem is, we focus on what is our “default” set of thoughts and beliefs; or we focus on distractions that have nothing to do with positive change.

What distracts us from this pure and positive focus is the human mind and its conditioning in fear, doubt and lack. Our Spirit, our Godchip, is always on board for what we want. The practice is to learn to put the human mind in its place as the executioner of what we want, not to fuss with the old gangs. Free will also means choosing when to turn off the television and practice Italian, or read a book about money, or go to a weight loss lecture. Free will also means that I will talk about my new dream, I will find people, places and things that support my new dream. I won't watch 14 hours of reruns, or talk about the same old speech. I go. I WILL, therefore, I do.

Positive thinking is the goal, not the way. Believe is the way. Self-discipline of thought and concentration is the vehicle. Learning to discern the human spirit from Gochip inspiration is the journey.

Positive change is simple. It is not easy. But what is really encouraging is that these topics are now the subject of major reflection. We are now collectively in search of the solution to the mysteries of humanity. And it all happened because we mightily asked for the answers; and they are given.

It really is the most exciting time to be alive. We are closer now than ever in self-control.