Odin is NOT the real bad guy in Valkyrie Elysium. NO ONE understands this

in #odin5 months ago (edited)


No one, not on Youtube, Rumble, Odysee, BitChute, no one has made a video with this take. No one understands this. Now it's up to me.


The normal ending, where you don't talk to Armand before fighting Fenrir, is the "true ending" the "good ending"

other ones, are what ifs. Alternate endings. They are literally not a "true ending" by definition of not being the regular ending. The regular ending is the real ending.


Alternate endings would spawn alternate continuations linked to those. Like SMT games. Same thing.
Or, DBZ with GT compared to DBO.

DBZ ends, GT is the alternate ending of 'Dragonball' as a whole and Dragon Ball Online is the true continuation of the "regular" true ending of DBZ where GT didn't happen.

If you FOLLOW Odins plan, he saves all of existence and it is reborn. If you don't, you ruin all of existence forever. Yggdrasil dies. Y'know, HE is tied to all of existence in this. "The world and I are intertwined"


Yggdrasil is dying. That's what happens during Ragnarok. Ha, in fact, what happens in the World of the Gods, in Asgard, not to mention in Vanaheim and Jotunheim, effect Midgard. The "Earth" or the Universe itself, since the lore was based upon what our Ancestors only knew. (Unless Earth really is impossibly large and all the science about other solar systems galaxies stars planets outside of ours and our Sun is all complete bullshit made up by the science industry BUT, you and I will certainly never know. ...until we die) Speaking of which, all of the Astral Projectors out there SHOULD be able to tell us what the Earth looks like. Just go up! Duh! Fly to the Moon! Tell us dammit!

Anyway, Vanaheim is the Realm of Life. It gives Life to Midgard. Jotunheim in contrast is the Realm of Destruction. These realms effect Midgard. They exist side by side with our Realm, Midgard, and their energy influxes into Midgard.

When Asgard is falling, being destroyed, that's WHY the chaos runs rampant in Midgard. Not only what happens in other realms effect us, but what happens in the hearts of the Gods, is reflected in the hearts of men. They see US, as spiritual beings from their perspective. They don't see us as physical objects. Energy beings. As we think of them. Which they are to us. Spirits. In video games this gets confused and there's a lot of liberties taken with THE LORE. FOLKLORE.

Sigh even when Fenrirs mouth was held open by the sword, his..."her" saliva running from his mouth, effects Midgard. In a bad way. It brings chaos it even infects the hearts and minds of 'men' mankind and darkens their hearts. Makes them evil or do evil things. Corrupts them.

With all that said, the Yggdrasil is literally dying. It can't be allowed to 'DIE' or else the entire reality will never be able to be created ever again. Everything will die forever and ever and never come back. Including Odin. Including Fenrir. Including Nora/Maria, including Midgard. It's all gone forever.

Odin HAS TO use these 4 artefacts to reincarnate the Yggdrasil to save all of existence from not existing.

And in the so-called "true ending" HA! Odin dies and his power is transferred to Nora and Hilde. They give a bunch of this power to the Yggdrasil. The Einherjar still disappear, to be reincarnated later. How is this the good ending? All of the Gods and Goddesses are still dead, except for Nora and Hilde who are Goddesses. Valkyries are Goddesses.

Odin: How can such a puny God...wield so much....


So Odin dies and all of the other Gods and Goddesses stay dead and that world continues on for a while longer. Where it is wrought with devastation and ruin. Sure she gets her boyfriend and yay happy ever after all that, but Freya Odin Tyr Thor Baldr Heimdallr Sif Eir are all dead. Not being reincarnated until the Yggdrasil eventually gets reincarnated which it will anyway. How is that the good ending? Tyr isn't evil. Neither is Odin.

No the ending where Odin reincarnates the Yggdrasil and all of existence and all of the Gods and Goddesses is the good ending. Where he regains his full power as the Supreme Being over all things. That's the true ending. I wouldn't want to continue living in the current world where Freya and other Gods and Goddesses and what, literally all of our Ancestors who were living in Folkvangr and all of the Einherjar before Nora was turned into a Valkyrie are all dead. The tree will still have to be reincarnated eventually. Its energy its life force is finite. So she's only delaying the inevitable.

Don't believe me?

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Hilde: As far as I know. Even then, this will only temporarily prevent the worlds destruction.
Nora: And you're fine with that?
Hilde: As long as it puts an end to the Gods.

So what? Kill the Gods and let the world eventually perish forever? Assuming they can't revive the Yggdrasil like Odin does in the proper ending. This is all just anti-Gods crap. Hilde hates Gods and she wants to take their place. Just like Fenrir wanted to take Odins place. Just vying for the Throne. Nothing more. She's a hypocrite. She hates it that Odin is in charge and hates all of the Gods. Odin says right here

Odin in the ending with Hilde helping you: So then you know that everything I have done was a necessity, to prevent the World from fading into the void.

Also Odin in the ending without Hilde helping you: How can such a puny God...wield so much...My mission as All-Father...is over. This world will soon wither, as will you all. Something, even Fenrir...knows not. The World has been reborn... Countless cycles... of decay and renewal. The Waning of the World...marks the end of Yggdrasil...and of life itself. That, is, Ragnarok. The ceaseless, perpetual destruction of the World. Without a new World to replace the old, everything will perish into nothingness. You are a fool...Valkyrie. You are now the Destroyer of the World. The Worlds story will soon come to an end...Forever lost....This is your doing.

Nora: If Odin spoke the truth, then this world will eventually perish.
Kristopher: Do you regret what you've done?
Nora: I do not. But at the same time, I cannot be certain that it was right.

Now, Nora will have to do exactly what Odin does with the 4 Artefacts in her "true ending" where Hilde helped her fight Odin. If she even can. If THEY even can together.

Odin can only do that with his full power. I wonder if Nora and Hilde can even do it? They gave most of the power they absorbed from Lord Odin to the Yggdrasil. Of course it's 6 against 1 when they fight Odin too. So he's obviously far more powerful and...they gave most of that power to the Yggdrasil. So I dunno if they even CAN do it. Unless they have some new servants do exactly what Odin had Nora doing in the first place, which is absorbing any purified souls that were corrupted monsters. Everything will be exactly the same as this game. More corrupted souls, more slaughtered people by vile Naglfar and other monsters brought about by the Waning of Yggdrasil. All they have done is kept the current cycle steeped in chaos continuing a little longer. In the worst of possible Worlds to live in. Letting more be born into utter chaos and miserable lives.

At least when she follows Odins orders she gets to come with him and continue existing. And these other endings are typical, "edgy" or not so edgy more like typical post modern "durrr God's are the real bad guys" crap.

Yeah I know yahweh is the real bad guy. I promise I know more about yahweh than anyone reading this and what he truly is.

That doesn't count for literally all Gods just because yahweh is so evil. No shit sherlock in other news water is wet.

Those what if endings, and the behavior of Odin during the course of those alternate endings, are not what Odin truly is. It's made up to make him out that way for those endings. These alternate endings are just post-modernist crap. Which is ironic when many 'WOKE' people claim to follow Norse Paganism. AHHAHA! Odin hates woke people. Our Ancestors rejected homosexuality and looked down upon men that behaved "womanish" unmanly, girly. They frowned upon such behavior. The lore especially the Rigspula shows you that men were expected to be masculine and women to be feminine and any deviation from such was vulgarity and despised. It was EGREGIOUS to them.

So all of you WOKE people can stop worshipping Freya or Odin now. Go on, get out. Get lost. Go join hinduism. That's where you belooooong.

Viking Answer Lady can tell ya all about that. Do note that the Viking period is a very small part of the worship of Odin. It is not "Norse" or "Scandinavian" Mythology. It is Pan-Aryan Mythology. Aryan Mythos. All Europeans. As I've said for a long time and I recently saw Stephen McNallen say the same. "From Sweden to Northern Italy and even further beyond" these are OUR Gods for OUR Folk. Our, ethnic, religion. By that he means Aryans/White people.

No no, Aryans are not anything else you might want to type. They are, White, people. You want to argue about that? Go tell Asatru Folk Assembly that Aryans are not White. Hahahahahaha! I'll wait, and I'll laugh at the response.

In the normal ending, Fenrir is exactly as vile as Tyr and Odin say. Hilde finds out she was fooled by Fenrir and Odin is saving all of reality. In his duty as All-Father. And Fenrir was only telling the half-truth about Odin. When Odin says "everything Fenrir said about me is true" He says in the very next sentence that the REASON for it is NOT what she claims about him or his desires.

Odin: What Fenrir told you was true. It was not for my OWN ends. But to fulfill my mission as the All-Father. As part of this Realms destiny. Yggdrasil, the pillar of this world, is finite. And when it's life force is exhausted, the World falls and is born anew. For countless cycles, this World has been destroyed and reborn. That is Ragnarok. To save the World, we must create another.

NOT this. Fenrir: He will destroy this World and move on to another.

And as you can see, there are at least a few things Odin knows, that Fenrir knows not.

What is all of this to say? That is to say...the Gods, know, best. Lord Odin, knows, best. Hierarchy exists. Everyone has their place. Their station.


In one ending where you kill the All-Father, the world is utterly doomed to perish according to him.
In the other one where you kill him, it's not really clear if after feeding Yggdrasil a bunch of Odins energy, that they can even reincarnate the Yggdrasil themselves or if they've just delayed the inevitable perishing into nothingness forever.

Even so, even if they could reincarnate the Yggdrasil, all of the Gods are dead. Freya Frey Thor Baldr etc. That does not bode well for the world they are extending. That only ensure chaos and ruin from Jotunheims influx in our Midgard reality. The lack of the Gods living alone creates instability and chaos in Midgard. What happens to the Gods and in the hearts of the Gods, their actions in their Realms, effects Midgard and the people of Midgard. Their hearts their minds, all of it. And that goes for the baddies too like Fenrirs saliva dripping with his...."her" mouth held open while she was bound, creating the River of Hope (Hope for the baddies, not us) which causes chaos in this world.

Hilde is an idiot who fell for all of Fenrirs lies and even in the "true ending" when she helps Nora fight Odin, she may have only contributed to the eventual permanent destruction of all of existence. Perishing into nothingness.

You see what Fenrir intended to do, when you go the route of the normal I mean 'True' ending. Tyr tells you what Fenrir really is and how evil she truly is in a Hollow Blossom you find somewhere. Nothing about Odin being evil.

The end. Holy shit.
