📷 OneBreathOnePhoto #21 - ONE photo of ONE moment on ONE breath of air
Hello dear Steemian friends! It's been over 2 years since I last made a post on Steemit, and I feel terribly ashamed for not being active for all these years due to personal issues and life priorities, but now I am back, and I hope you can welcome me back in 2021!
To kick things off, allow me to welcome you back to the 21st episode of:
As some of you may know, two of the things that I'm deeply passionate about besides travelling, is Freediving and Photography. Freediving is a practice of diving underwater without a tank or any other breathing apparatus, gliding through the watery abyss on a single breath of air with nothing but you and nature.
An image of a professional freediver from Japan quietly watching the humpback calf return to her mother, taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of life, while reflecting on the past as if to quietly ask for forgiveness. While we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, so that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger but in wisdom, understanding and love.
Previous Episodes:
20. UnderwaterSpaceman | 19. AquaticMammal | 18. PerfectlyImperfectCircle |17. StillnessUnderwater | 16. FlyingTurtle |15. Mother&Calf |14. WhenYourSubjectIsFreediver | 13. JustKeepSwimming | 12. Freediver'sAscent | 11. ChasedByWhales | 10. UnderwaterSymphony | 9. PositiveBuoyancy | 8. TheFlow | 7. ShapelessWater | 6. WhatLiesBeneath |5. IntoTheAbyss | 4. WhaleStare | 3. FlyingTurtle | 2. MondayBlues | 1. Humpday