OCD International Daily: Issue #172

in #ocd6 years ago


Welcome to the 172th issue of @OCD international Daily!

Issue #172 highlights content from 9 (nine) fantastic Steemit Content Creators in nine different languages! The OCD international team on its journey continues to search tirelessly throughout the multiple languages on Steemit for undervalued gems as provided by relatively new users.

Today our curators have delivered nine incredible pieces of original content to share with you! These works as provided by newer Steemit users don’t have the audience which their quality content deserves. @OCD strives to provide that audience and intends to showcase Steemit users who put in tremendous effort to create flourishing content.

The nomination process

A curator will FIND a piece of work in his language (typically from newer users), discuss with the other curators of that language and they will choose the one that will go into the compilation.

We encourage you to visit these blogs and to show these great Steemians your support and encouragement.

If you enjoyed their work give them a Follow or maybe even say Hello!


La storia di una giovane madre indiana, dipendente dalla droga, fatto dalla figlia che dovette dare in adozione a una coppia italiana dopo essere fuggita in Italia. Post di @steemcur proposto per la selezione di oggi di @ocd per la lingua italiana da @paolobeneforti

Story of a young mother from India, drug addicted, escaped to Italy, told by her daughter that was adopted in Italy. Post by @steemcur proposed for today's selection by the @ocd Team for the Italian language curation by @paolobeneforti.

Era mia Madre



Menilik sejarah, gajah adalah salah satu hewan yang mendapatkan apresiasi dan penghargaan oleh masyarakat Aceh, namun walaupun saat ini populasi gajah di Aceh adalah yang terbanyak di Indonesia, konflik antara manusia dan gajah masih terus berlanjut. Penyebab dan pencegahan serta solusi soal konflik antara gajah dan manusia ini dipaparkan dengan sangat menarik oleh @betterperson. Tulisan ini dikurasi oleh Tim kurator bahasa Indonesia OCD, @mariska.lubis dan @macchiata.

History tells us the strong relationship between human and elephants. Elephant was one of the most respected animal in Aceh, but though its population in Aceh is still the highest in Indonesia, the conflict between human and elephants is still a problem. The reasons and solutions of this conflict is written by @betterperson interestingly. This post is curated by OCD Indonesian language curator team, @mariska.lubis and @macchiata.

Rahasia Di Balik Konflik Gajah dan Manusia (Pandangan Steemian Terhadap Konflik Gajah)


Muchos hemos visto o nos hemos tomado radiografías de alguna parte de nuestro cuerpo, es algo muy común y no nos asombra. Pero ¿saben cómo funciona el proceso o cómo es este fenómeno posible? Esto es lo que @danielvepa nos explica en su publicación.

Many of us have seen or taken x-rays of some part of our body, it is very common now and it does not surprise us anymore. But do you know how the process works or how is this phenomenon possible? This is what @danielvepa explains to us in his publication.

Cómo funcionan los rayos X



Die neue österreichische Nutzerin @alexlena zeigt gleich in ihrem ersten Beitrag nach der Vorstellung, dass sie dort mit ihren Fotos nicht zu viel versprochen hat. Nun nimmt sie die Leser mit in die Unterwasserwelt der Malediven - atemberaubend im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes.

The new Austrian user @alexlena shows that she didn't promise too much about the photography when she did her introduction a few days ago. Now she is taking us underwater at the Maledives - breathtaking, isn't it?!

Life is better underwater


Polska drużyna (@fervi, @lukmarcus i @Santarius) wybiera wpis @thomaslucan. Współcześnie w Europie niewiele jest rzeczy tak budzących trwogę, jak aktualna sytuacja na Bliskim Wschodzie. Zrozumieć tej, nie ułatwiają nam media, które ukazują tylko pewne urywki wydarzeń z tamtego rejonu świata. @thomaslucan w swoich artykułach stara się przedstawić nam jak najdokładniejszy obraz sytuacji na Bliskim Wschodzie, w najnowszym artykule opowiadając o zwycięstwie Hezbollahu w libańskich wyborach.

The Polish team (@fervi, @lukmarcus and @Santarius) choose the @thomaslucan article. Nowadays in Europe, there are few things as alarming as the current situation in the Near East. Understanding of this is not facilitated by the media, which only show some fragments of events from that part of the world. @thomaslucan in his articles tries to present to us the most accurate picture of events from that region of the world, in the latest article talking about the victory of Hezbollah in the Lebanese election.

Zwycięstwo Hezbollahu w libańskich wyborach - czy jest się czego bać?


皆さん野球は好きですか? どのチームのファンですか? 野球が大好きな @aoni さん。今回の投稿では日本の野球文化について記事にしてくださいました。詳しい日本野球の歴史や仕組みを知ることが出来ます。 必見です! Curated by 日本語OCDチーム @djynn, @fukako & @yasu24

Do you like baseball? Did you know that the baseball is very popular in Japan? Well, our Steemian @aoni is a big fan of Japanese baseball. On this post, the author talks about the history and the structure of Japanese baseball as well as how baseball lives in Japanese culture. Curated by Japanese OCD team @djynn, @fukako & @yasu24.

[Eng][Jp]日本の野球文化 Japanese baseball culture / HK-JP-SG cross-community challenge



한국어로된 양질의 스팀잇 컨텐츠를 소개하는 @ocd 큐레이터 @steemitjp,@solnamu 입니다. 오늘은 스팀잇 뉴비이자 가죽 공예에 대한 유용한 정보를 안내해주시는@hyominute 님을 소개합니다. 가죽공예를 본격적으로 해보고싶은 분은 도구에서부터 많은 정보가 필요하실텐데요. 이번 @hyominute님 포스팅을 통해 그 궁금증을 해결해 보시면 어떨까요?

Today We introduce @hyominute who is the creator of leather art. Especially this posting guide about tools of leather crafts.If you want to know about leather crafts, you can find out beneficial information from @hyominute . Curated by Korean @solnamu and @steemitjp Follow and Support @ocd.

[가죽공예] #2. 가죽공예를 하려면 어떤 도구가 필요할까?


En France lorsqu'il y a une manifestation, les manifestants et la police ne donnent jamais le même nombre de personnes présentes lors de la manifestation. @arkcoin nous explique dans cet article les méthodes qui sont utilisées pour compter les manifestants et pourquoi la police et les organisateurs d'une manifestation n'obtiennent pas les mêmes résultats.

In France when there is a demonstration, demonstrators and police never give the same number of people present at the demonstration. @arkcoin explains in this article the methods that are used to count protesters and why police and protest organizers do not get the same results.

100 000 selon les organisateurs, 3 selon la police



今日OCD中文區小隊 - @htliao@Travelgirl 想為大家介紹 @ray147880. Ray 是一位在英國讀書的香港學生。他有很多愛好而其中一樣就是旅遊。今天,@ray147880 會帶我們到英國很有名的旅遊地點 - 巴斯. 巴斯最有名的景點就是羅馬浴場但巴斯其實有其他景點可以參觀的。如果想到巴斯玩一天,一定要看 Ray 這篇文章。

Chinese OCD team @htliao and @Travelgirl would like to introduce @ray147880. Ray is from Hong Kong and is currently studying in the UK. He has many interests and traveling is one of them. In this article, @ray147880 took us to Bath in the United Kingdom it is famous for its Roman Baths but there are actually a lot more to see around the city. If you having travel plans to visit Bath, do visit Ray’s article for some recommendations.

[Travel Blog]Travelling with Ray to Bath, United Kingdom

Thanks for stopping by as this concludes today’s OCD international Daily. We would like to congratulate the authors nominated as well as those featured.

Hopefully, you were able to take away something different, fresh, and new from the pieces as provided by the @ocd curators.

The OCD team would also like to thank those that strive to make a difference. As anyone can create a posting but only some can create/build value.

Be sure to check for tomorrow’s edition of OCD international Daily!
Keep up the good work creating original content

You never know when @ocd may be around :)

As prepared by @sardrt

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The nominated Polish user is @thomaslucania, not @thomaslucan.

Hello @ocd, salam steemian aceh

Grazie sono davvero contenta!!! Grazie di cuore anche al selezionatore @paolobeneforti!!

unique image where you got it, can you help me.

Great picture you have presented

제 콘텐츠를 소개해주셨군요. 너무 감사드립니다ㅠㅠ 이렇게 소개까지 되니 너무 영광이네요! 앞으로 더욱 열심히 하겠습니다! 감사합니다!

Wow, thanks for nomination! ;)

Wow, realmente muchas gracias por el apoyo, y ayudar a esas personas a quienes nuestras publicaciones no tienen mucha proyección, a tener una mayor difusión. Sigan con su proyecto, que es tan beneficioso para la toda la comunidad de steemit. Un honor haber sido seleccionado,Saludos