OCD International Daily: Issue #101
Issue #101 highlights content from ten (10) fantastic Steemit Content Creators in ten different languages! The OCD international team on its journey continues to search tirelessly throughout the multiple languages on Steemit for undervalued gems as provided by relatively new users.
Today our curators have delivered ten incredible pieces of original content to share with you! These works as provided by newer Steemit users don’t have the audience which their quality content deserves. @OCD strives to provide that audience and intends to showcase Steemit users who put in tremendous effort to create flourishing content.
A curator will FIND a piece of work in his language (typically from newer users), discuss with the other curators of that language and they will choose the one that will go into the compilation.
We encourage you to visit these blogs and to show these great Steemians your support and encouragement.

Steemian sering makan mie instant? nah, kali ini Tim Kurator OCD Bahasa Indonesia @mariska.lubis dan @macchiata memilih postingan dari @anisaibrahim yang masih ada hubungannya dengan mie instan. Eits, jangan terkecoh, ini bukan postingan makanan terapi sebuah postingan motivasi yang mengibaratkan bahkan mieinstant aja butuh proses apalagi kalau ingin sukses, pasti butuh banyak perjuangan. Ingin tahu lebih lanjut? kunjungi postingan beliau.
This time, we present you a motivation post from @anisaibrahim who shares a word of wisdom that success requires effort and relate it to even cooking instant noodle isn't easy as it might appear. Do you know want to know more about what she has to say? don't forget to visit her post.

Hoy les compartiremos uno de los pasatiempos de @josevbc que es armar rompecabezas en 3D. Este tipo de rompecabezas, relativamente nuevos, se enfocan generalmente en grandes e icónicas construcciones de cualquier rincón del mundo. Y así te permiten poseer, aunque sea a escala, una parte de los mas bellos skylines del mundo.
Today we’re sharing one of the hobbies of @josevbc wich is 3d puzzles. This kind of puzzles, relatively new, generally focus on large and iconic constructions from any place in the world. This way you can possess, at a scale, a part of the most beautiful skylines in the world.

Ancora un post scelto dal @ocd Team per la lingua italiana è questo di @clode curato da @meanmommy33 in cui vediamo i passi del cambiamento. Come dice @clode: ‘Questo è il punto. Cominciare. Questa è la difficoltà. Smettere di procrastinare. Questo è il segreto. Fare.’ - Appunto!
Another post chosen from the @ocd Team for the Italian language is this of @clode curated by @meanmommy33 where we see the steps of change. As @clode says: ‘That’s the point. To start. That’s the difficulty. To stop procrastinating. That’s the secret. To do.’ - Exactly!

Heute präsentiere ich @jeanpi1908 euch ein ein bisschen anspruchsvolleres Thema denn heute geht es um Quantenmechanik. @infinitelearning erklärt uns heute in seinem Beitrag was Zeitkristalle sind und wie sie nachgewiesen wurden. Aber er fängt erst damit an mit der normalen Phisik und erklärt was Kristalle sind um dann auch für nicht so phisikalisch begabte Leute den quantenmechanischen Teil herzuleiten.
Today, I @jeanpi1908 present you a a bit more demanding topic because today it's about quantum mechanics. @infinitelearning explains us today in his post what time crystals are and how their existance has been proven. But he starts with the simple phisic and explains what crystals are to derive the quantum mechanical part for not so phisical people.

La team francophone @ixindamix et @Roxane vous présente un article qui traite du grand thème du bonheur. @mlleolivia nous parle de SA perspective, SA vision du bonheur. Elle vous invite également à venir partager des choses simples qui vous rendent heureux et heureuse.... à vous de jouer.
The French team @ixindamix and @Roxane present an article on the key theme of happiness. @mlleolivia tells us about HER perspective, HER vision of happiness. She also invites you to come and share simple things that make you happy... let's play!

Polski team (czyli @fervi i @lukmarcus) nominuje @breadcentric. Autor tego posta umie zrobić chleb na milion sposobów. I tutaj nie żartujemy - wystarczy przejrzeć jego profil. Każdy na świecie wie, że polski chleb jest najlepszy, a tutaj ponownie mamy pokaz świeżo pachnącego pieczywa. Ta nominacja należała mu się już dawno.
Polish team (so @fervi and @lukmarcus) nominate @breadcentric. The author of this post knows how to make bread in a million ways. And we aren't kidding - just look at his profile. Everyone in the world knows that Polish bread is the best, and here we have again a show of freshly scented baking. This one is "on yeast water from dates, raisins and dried plums". He should get this nomination a long time ago.

Japanese OCD team @djynn & @fukako would like to present you the blog of a musician @drummerasuka, who writes about his band, his drums and the music that has influenced his work. In this post he tells us about his first snare drum, made by Pearl. We’d love to hear how it sounds!

今日OCD中文區小隊 - @htliao 和 @Travelgirl 想為大家介紹 @ seabearflying. @seabearflying 現在定居美國而他有一個很可愛的女兒。 他在 Steemit 分享過不同的故事,相片和一些做父母的感受。在這篇文章,他跟我們分享他覺得做父親是應該做什麼的。看看他的文章因為會有很多他跟女兒的可愛相片。
Chinese OCD team @htliao and @Travelgirl would like to introduce @seabearflying. @seabearflying is currently living in the US and has a lovely daughter. He shares many stories, photos and parenting thoughts through his posts on Steemit. In this article, he shares this thoughts on what is role involve as a father. Take some time and read his article as he had shared some sweet photos of how he interacts with his baby girl

Het Nederlandse OCD team @jackjohanneshemp en @poeticsnake hebben deze keer gekozen voor een post van @vjbasil! Soms kan het zo opluchten om gewoon even stoom af te blazen in een post hier op Steemit! Deze post laat ons zien hoe moeilijk en vooral frustrerend het kan zijn als je iets moet regelen of aanvragen bij de gemeente! FF Stoom afblazen is some het enige dat nog helpt!
Today, the Dutch OCD team @jackjohanneshemp and @poeticsnake picked a post from @vjbasil. Sometimes the only thing that helps is ranting! @vjbasil tells us about the frustration and anger you can build up when you need to make arrengements for something and you need city hall for that! The fact that you can post a short rant or scream is the only thing that works in a situation like this to write the anger away.

@yslee 님은 그림을 그리는 패션학도로 이 그림은 색의 조화를 신경써서 그린 그림입니다. 팝아트의 아름다움을 느낄 수 있는 작품이었습니다.
@yslee is a pop artist that majors in fashion in the kr community. In this work of art, you can find the beauty of pop art, for he thought about the color harmony. It reminds you of Piet Mondrian. Curator @zoethehedgehog

Hopefully, you were able to take away something different, fresh, and new from the pieces as provided by the @ocd curators.
The OCD team would also like to thank those that strive to make a difference. As anyone can create a posting but only some can create/build value.
Be sure to check for tomorrow’s edition of OCD international Daily!
Keep up the good work creating original content
You never know when @ocd may be around :)
Prepared with love @macchiata
Know that your Resteem supports undervalued authors!
OCD Now Has a Steem Witness...

You can vote for @ocd-witness, with SteemConnect or on Steemit Witnesses to help support other undervalued authors!
Use the 'ocd-resteem' tag on quality, original content for a chance to be selected.
Read more about it here.

Nice! great job!! we need more curators goods!
Wonderfull post. Vote me please @mizwar
I'm just really starting to use STEEMIT and I'm loving it! What's even better is it's still so new, so it's only going to grow! Thank you for doing this, I believe it's VERY helpful to everyone on the platform.
That's really a good rundown down on curated post...
thanks for the info
Oh, I just love the picture of the dad reading to the little fellow. SO SWEET! Thanks for curating these great posts we'd never get to see otherwise.
Thank you for noticing me :) if I could just add, the bread posts are translated into English, so both versions are available within a couple days.
Good luck to all!!