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RE: OCD past HF21

in #ocd6 years ago (edited)

You mentioned about trying to get new users in but what about motivating those you have curated before and keeping them motivated to post?

The biggest upvote I got from being curated was from you guys and it was mind blowingly awesome and I'm really grateful for it, don't get me wrong, but the rate at which authors and great content creators is dropping off this platform is staggering and scary.

I personally would like to see some plans as to how you guys (and other big accounts on here) will look to continue support of those you have already curated as that is as important, if not more so than onboarding new users.

If you maintain great content creators and they are being rewarded with a small upvote from a massive account, then new users will see that and want to get involved as well and can learn from the current guard on how to make great content themselves.

Just a thought.