Social Distance Doggos

in #ocd5 years ago


Social Distance Doggos

Ya know.. I honestly feel very fortunate, during this current lock-down scenario.

One of the reasons is that I have access to a large and beautiful lakeside park that is located just a few blocks down the street from my home. This access allows the Doggos & I to stretch our legs & breathe in some fresh air on an almost daily basis, and I've really been enjoying these cool Midwest US Spring days recently.

Its quiet out. There is hardly any people or traffic in the neighborhood during the walk to the trail that connects to a back access park entrance gate. There are many birds singing their Springtime songs loudly, as is the way of their people. The air I'm breathing almost even seems cleaner in some sense. Perhaps this newly perceived pureness is the result of recent record low local traffic activity? Who knows, it does feel like a quieter world to me these days, and I'm breathing this crisp air in deeply as I let the dogs pull me along. They know the way. They've made this trip 1000 times before. I could close my eyes and we'd assuredly end up where we're meant to be. In this breath I realize how relaxing the moment is, despite the world seemingly being on fire. I feel humbled.

We find the trail and climb the hill. There is one vehicle pulling out of the pavilion as we step off of the trail, out of the woods, and into the clearing. A friendly younger woman smiles as she passes by on her way out. The dogs usually generate this reaction from individuals they come into contact with. It never ceases to amaze me how disarming a dog can be when it comes to interacting with a total stranger. These two dogs in particular seem to have that skill-set with amplified cuteness and personality. It must be a rough life to have strangers consistently running up to hug and love on you at all times, eh?

This side of the park is now empty. The dogs are unleashed and the fun can now truly begin! Its a bit chilly, and the wind is a steady cool gust, yet our party came prepared for this in that I personally layered up prior to leaving, and both dogs came with whatever DLC provided "Natural Fur Coat" (+5 Warmth, +3 Hit Points, +5 Character), so we take our time enjoying the experience.

If things ever get "back to normal" someday, I know this park will again be filled with people and cars. The dogs will not be able to be unleashed to run freely, and the bird's beautiful songs will all be hidden behind the wash of "normal" background vehicle noise pollution. Perhaps the air won't even taste as clean. In this model: Today is a blessing. I think the dogs know it too. They seem extra happy today.

I figured I'd share a short clip of the scenery aforementioned for anyone that may be stuck inside somewhere on this host cell Earth, tired of staring at a set of all too familiar looking walls. Find things that make you smile & absorb them. Be thankful for anything beautiful that brings you peace. As we've all learned from this pandemic experience, things can change very quickly with seemingly little notice. Any peaceful moment slows the rendering from moving too fast.

Stay safe out there Friends!